Chapter 4- The Alliance

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The next morning....

Kokichi is at the front of Shuichi's house. In his hand, he has a bag of chocolate chip cookies that his mom made for them.

He knocks on the door. The door opens and it was Shuichi's uncle. His uncle has blue hair and golden eyes just like Shuichi.

"Good morning, sir. My mom made the best chocolate chip cookies in the whole wide world and she sent me here to give it to you guys." Kokichi said with a smile.

"Why thank you, Kokichi! that's very sweet of your mother. Please do come in. " Shuichi's uncle said, as he takes the bag of cookies and invites the teenager into his house.

Inside Shuichi's house is clean and organized. The living room has a bunch of bookselfs, couches, a tv, and a table. There was even a huge desk where his uncle keeps his case files.

"So, Shuichi told me that you have seven members in your organization." Shuichi's Uncle said as he grabs a cup and starts pouring tea in it.

"Yep! It's true. I do have seven members in my organization." Kokichi said with pride.

"Interesting. I also heard that you also have other members as well. Who were those 10, 000 members?" He said as sips his tea.

"Oh. Those 10, 000 members were the fangirls that loved me. Then, again, I could be lying to you~" Kokichi said with a chuckle.

"I guess that remains a mystery then." He chuckles.

He looks at the clock. It is 11:30am. Which means that he has to go to work.

"I have to go to work. By the way, Shuichi is upstairs in his room if you want to talk to him. Shuichi has a day off today." Shuichi's uncle said.

"Thanks for telling me. Have a nice day at work." Kokichi said.

He nods at Kokichi and left the house.

'Perfect. Now, to have a nice chat with Shuichi. Nishishi~' Kokichi thought with a grin.


Shuichi is his room, sitting criss-crossed, reading a Sherlock Holmes novel.

Suddenly, he hears a knock on the door. Shuichi puts a bookmark in his book. He hops off his bed and goes to the door.

He opens the door and it was Kokichi Ouma, grinning at him.

"Oh! Good morning Kokichi." Shuichi said, smiling.

"Admit it, Saihara." Kokichi said.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Shuichi questions. Kokichi went to the other side of the room as Shuichi shuts the door.

"Don't try to deny it. You were the one who pranked me and Kaito. Which means that you are the prankster." Kokichi said, looking at Shuichi with confidence.

'jsksjsjsjsjsjjsjs. Kokichi knows!' Shuichi thought with a panic.

"Kokichi, I already told you that there's no way that I'm the prankster." Shuichi replied.

"Are you sure about that~" Kokichi smirks as he raised his eyebrow and crosses his arm.

Kokichi takes a step to the right. Behind him, reveals a bulletin board. On the bulletin board, there is a list on it where Shuichi wrote for the supplies he needs for his pranks.

'Doh! I'm such an idiot. ' Shuichi thought as he did a mental facepalm.

The supreme leader just looks at him, waiting for his rebuttal.

"Um...I...ah..." Shuichi said, knowing that he can't come up with a good rebuttal.

"I thought so. Nishishi~" Kokichi said as he sits down on his bed, with his legs crossed.

"So um... are you mad about the prank I did to you that caused you to wet your bed?" Shuichi said, lightly blushing.

"Honestly, I was upset about it buuuuut since my Mom didn't punish me for peeing on my bed and just told me to clean it, then I'm not mad." Kokichi said.

'Thank god, Kokichi wasn't too mad about it because worse case scenario if his mom did punish him for that, he would have flip! ' Shuichi sighs in relief.

"So, I have an important question for you. How did you become soooooo interested in pranking people? Did you learn from the Internet of something?" Kokichi said, with curiousity.

Shuichi smiles at him. He sits next to him on his bed and clears his throat.

"Actually, I became interested in pranking people because of you, Kokichi. When I heard that people were doing pranks, I thought that was too childish and kinda dumb. However, you proved me wrong. The way you pranked the others is funny and admirable. So that's why I decided to do pranking. I also wanted to have fun. " Shuichi chuckles with a blush.

Kokichi is suprised by Shuichi's response. He never thought that he actually inspired Shuichi to do pranks. When he said that to him...he feels happy about.

"Really?! I was your huge inspiration for pranking?! I'm so honored and happy!" Kokichi said execitedly as his eyes sparkles.

The blue-haired teen founds Kokichi cute when he feels happy.

Then, Kokichi has an idea. A really good idea.

"Since you enjoyed pranking, how about I join you in pranking people.Think about as having our own adventures in a hilarious way. Don't worry. I won't tell anybody about you being the prankster cuz you secret is safe with me." Kokichi said as he winks at the last part.

Shuichi smiles brightly as him. He loved that idea.

"Sure! Togther, we will have the best prankventure ever! It's a deal. " Shuichi said with a laugh.

"Heck yeah! We gonna be the most badass pranksters ever!" Kokichi said.

The two boys shake theirs hands, agreeing to their alliance with each other.

"You and me are totally gonna create the perfect chaos." Kokichi said, grinning, mischievously .

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