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It was drizzling on that Saturday evening and the dominant mood in the church building resembled the weather.
Rev. Anthony stood on the altar with a brave face addressing the congregation. The little girl at the front pew who was cuddled in her mother's arms sobbed uncontrollably. Her sobbing drowned out the voice of the Reverend so that the little girl was lost in her own thoughts.


He looked at her with his kind black eyes and stretched out his hand and she took it.

They did not own an automobile so they had to walk to school but she did not mind walking till her feet bled if she walked with him.
She tugged at his over used but neatly ironed shirt and he lowered his torso to her height. She placed her tiny lips against his ear and said, "I love you daddy". He scooped her up and hugged her and she buried her little face into his shirt as he ruffled her hair.

"I love you too sweetie".


A gentle push jolted her from her thoughts and back into reality.

She was at the burial service of her father and the sermon had just been concluded.
Church members were flocking around her mother paying their condolences and she felt the gentle push that interrupted her thoughts earlier, again. Turning her tear streaked face in the direction of the push, she saw her best friend, Tomi, holding a pretty teddy bear.

"Is that for me?" A slight smile breaking out on her face.

"Yes, I thought you might need it".

The little girl grabbed the teddy bear and hugged it tightly to her chest smearing her tears on it.



"Sorry about your dad". Tomi said shyly.

"Thanks Tomi and I really like the Teddy. Can I name him?"

"Yes". Tomi said between giggles.

"I'll name him Sandy".

Hey guys, this is my first book

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Hey guys, this is my first book. I am new to wattpad and still finding my way around.

This is a purely Christian novel because I am a Christian and my aim is to portray Christ in everything I do and that includes my writing.

I am really looking forward to this book being a great success and by the grace of God it will.

I love to hear from you guys so throw in your comments and thoughts on the book as you go. ❤❤❤😘

Please, this is a Christian novel and I will appreciate if the comments are void of any swear words and foul language.
No rude comments please.

I'll be using American English mainly because of the nature of my keyboard but I am Nigerian and in Nigeria, only British English is formally accepted.
As a result, I am not used to American English so feel free to correct me on any spelling mistakes.
My editor is my dad 😉 and I understand if he may have overlooked a few things.
I am open to corrections.

Plagiarizing is plain wrong and I won't hesitate to report anyone who tries to plagiarize this book. It is my intellectual property and no one is permitted to impersonate it.

Again, the content in this book is purely fictional. None of it is real; all the characters are entirely birthed by my imagination.
If by any chance, the occurrences in this book seem to align however with a true life story, it is not intentional.

I think that I have touched every grey area and there is nothing more that hasn't been addressed. Although if you by any chance think this Author's note hasn't answered some of your questions, feel free to PM me, I promise to try and reply to all of them (to the best of my knowledge 😉).

Well, that will be it for now. Don't forget to vote please, I love it when you do that so sit back and enjoy the ride people.

I love you ❤❤😘💖.

Started: 15th January 2019
Ended: 22nd February 2020

Copyright © Chinwe Owanta-Emenike Angel

Copyright © chinwe_epistle

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