Chapter 19

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"Impossible!" My jaw drops open as I reread the results of Sophie's x-ray test.

"Impossible!" I repeat, my pulse racing in my chest as I hastily gather up the tests in my hand and dash for the door.
Just then, my phone vibrates in my lab coat pocket and I pull it out not bothering to even check the caller ID before answering it.

"Hello?" I blurt in an uneasy tone as I try to work the handle of the door without dropping the tests in my hand.

"How are you dear?" I immediately pin it  to be Clave's voice and bite my lower lip  trying to keep myself from groaning out loud in frustration because that would just sound rude.

Not the right time Clave.

"Hi." I try to sound chirpy to cover the  displeasure I'm currently feeling at his calling me now.

"Are you free this weekend?"

I consider saying no but that would be lying, not that I can't lie but what if he shows up at my house or something like that?

That would be ugly, I assure myself.

"Yes." I squeeze my eyes and open it again, something I do sometimes when I'm pissed. I press the phone harder to my ear and support it with my shoulder, freeing my hands to hold the reports steadily.

"So do you mind hanging out?" He says in a husky voice which I assume he thinks is cool because one moment he's talking fine and the next, he just goes all husky especially when he's trying to ask me out or something.
Also, I know for a fact, he doesn't have a sore throat because sore throats don't just go on and off.
I really consider saying no because, this is actually one of the rare weekends I spend at home and as most people probably know, a doctor's work is never done so I can be called up anytime at the hospital.

But apart from that, I'm just gonna spend most of the weekend sleeping and working on my laptop when I'm not checking on mom. I also know that if I wriggle out of this one, he'll almost never stop asking me so I just agree.

"No, I don't mind hanging out Clave." I hurriedly puff a stray strand of my hair away from my face as I make my way down the crowded hallway to the lab.

"Great; Sunday?" He asks obviously excited he's finally gotten me to say yes and I scoff silently.

"Alright, Sunday." I second and push open the lab door, dropping the reports on the first table I sight when I enter.

The radiologist, Mr. Lee looks up from his microscope immediately I enter and I motion for him to hold on, so I can finish my call. "Okay bye now, I'm really busy so talk to you later." I hastily add and don't wait for his answer because I immediately hang up. I shove my phone in the pocket of my lab coat and return my attention to Mr. Lee.

"Mr. Lee did you see this?" I grab one of the x-ray results and hold it out to him.

"What is it?" He immediately leaves what he was previously working on and strides over to me, taking the results and examining them. Shortly after, he looks back up at me, a knowing look on his face.

"Sophie Blake." He sighs in more of a statement than a question.

"How is that possible?" I forcefully poke the results in his hand and look him in the eye.

"I do not know Miss. I was surprised too but decided just to let you take a look at it first before I said anything." He shrugs and hands me back the results.

For a few moments, I just stare at them wondering what to make of it.

"This is impossible. The tumor had already spread to the midsection of her brain-too much to see the brain stem. How come the brain stem is visible in this report?" I indicate, my voice barely coming out in a whisper.

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