Chapter 14

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It's been two days since the stroke incident and my mother is still unconscious.
So far, nothing has been looking up. The doctor said, and I know very well, that if she doesn't regain consciousness soon, her situation will worsen.

The board is still going ahead with selling the company and no matter how much I try to talk them out of it, their minds are made up.

"Come in." He looks up from the file he is holding and flinches, once his eyes land on my advancing form.

"Can I sit?" I motion to the empty chair in front of his mahogany desk.

"Yes, do."

I nod and pull the chair back, sitting on it.

"Sir..... "
"Miss Solana....." We both say in unison.

I sigh and open my mouth again to speak.

"You must know why I'm here." I begin.

He doesn't reply but just continues looking at me in the most quizzical way.

I take that as my cue to go on.

"I still think this is a bad idea, Mr. Winston." I spill.

His shoulders sag and the contortion on his face eases at my statement.

"Look Miss Solana, it's all we can do right now. This is our best offer yet."

"But does there need to be an offer? We can figure this out." I insist. 

"With this contract, the hospital can become one of the best in America....."

"But it won't be us anymore, it'll be them. All our hard work would go into finetuning their name!"

"It doesn't matter Miss. Solana, the hospital would be in better hands." He insisted.

I shut my eyes and sigh deeply knowing this argument is going nowhere.

"I see you have already made up your mind and nothing will change it."

There is a silent pause as he shifts uncomfortably in his seat.
Then he straightenes his back, sticks out his chin and clasps his hands on the desk, so I already know his answer before he gives it.

"Yes, Miss Solana." That, for me is the last straw and I stand up to leave.

"Good day, Mr. Winston." With the tone I used, it could be interpreted more like 'get lost Mr. Winston!!'

"Good day, Miss. Solana."

Tomi has been really busy and so hasn't been able to come to see mom since.
The date of the wedding is drawing closer and her work has been taking a really busy turn but she never fails to send flowers and postcards for mom when she regains consciousness.

You have no right to feel bad, considering what you said about her to Clave the other day.

Suddenly, my mind wonders back to that Friday evening after the outing while texting Clave.

He talked bad about her Christianity and I just did nothing.
True, I may not support Christianity, but Tomi's my best friend and I should have stood up for her no matter what.

I throw my head back and groan.

Things are just getting worse.

Speaking of Clave, I've been really confused. Whenever we text, he never fails to put heart emojis at the end of practically every sentence.
Also, when he heard about my mom, he visited all right but not without a bouquet of red roses which he insisted were for me; not mom, me.

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