Chapter 27

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Let's just say I feel on top of the world!

After Church yesterday, Mr. Wayne insisted that we celebrate and of course I chose Chocolate Room. For the first time in my life, I felt truly happy. It was like a burden was immediately lifted off my shoulders the moment I said that prayer. I felt so light and free, just as if I could jump up and start screaming at the top of my lungs in excitement.
As I walked back from the altar with the Bible which we were each given, my eyes interlocked with Brian's and I smiled a watery smile because I had been crying.

Once I reached him, I fell into his arms as he wrapped them tightly around my shoulders and I let the tears flow.

"Thank you." I whispered just loud enough for him to hear.

"I wouldn't have had it any other way sweetheart." He soothingly rubbed my back.
Just then, I felt arms slowly encase me from the back and I looked up to see Mr. Wayne, Danielle and Travis joined to us in a group hug.
I hadn't known these people for up to a week and I already fell in love with them.

Brian drove me home and during the ride he was quite a chatter box because he was so excited I got born again, but I found out  I didn't mind.
When you're privileged to witness a sight like that, you savor it because that's not something you get to see everyday.
Once we arrived at my house, we promised to hangout on Saturday and we said our goodbyes.
Fortunately, mom and Stella weren't home yet because even though I was so giddy, I still needed to calm down a little bit first. I can assure you one thing, that it can't be done in the presence of mom and Stella.

Once in the house, I called Tomi and told her all about it and immediately she came over. Thankfully for her, she had just finished from Church too and was on her way home with Max when my call came.
Without a second thought, she got on a bus and arrived here.

"I have been praying for this day to come for years." She took my hands in hers and pulled me into a bone crushing hug before letting go. "Since I wasn't getting anywhere with you, I prayed that God would send you the right person." She sniffed and looked intently at me.

"And God sent Brian." I completed the sentence for her.

"This is unbelievable. How long have you known him?"

"Almost two months now." I smiled.

"He is a God send and I've noticed you like him." She smirked and nudged me in the ribs with her elbow.

"Ow! Stop that!" I yelled and rubbed my stomach.

"Answer my question Maya Solana."

"Don't get your hopes up matchmaker, we're just really good friends that's all." I avoided answering her question.

"I am the best matchmaker in the whole world and when I say it's a match, it's a match and Braya is a match."

"What does that even mean?" I groaned and raked a hand through my hair.

"Brian and Maya, Braya." She grinned.

"What?! Please don't start making up couple names, just don't. That is so high school." I groaned but she just giggled.

"Well, you guys sound so cute, you could pass for a high school couple."

"We are not a couple, okay!" I pulled my pillow over my head and turned on my side away from her.

"You don't know so." She said in a singsong voice."

"Look, it's never gonna happen, alright? I'm not planning on getting married anyway." I sighed and got off the bed, walking to my work table and pulling out a pack of Granola bars from under the stash of files.

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