Chapter 28

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I pull out of the hospital driveway and stop at the gate to flash my ID card at the new security officer. I say he's new because he stops me. I don't usually get stopped when going through the gates because the officers very much know who I am.
Once he recognizes the face on the card, he nods abruptly and makes a short salute, opening the gates for me to drive through.

Most people wonder why I always take the stress of driving myself everywhere.

Why not just get a driver like everyone else and just focus on work?

Well, for one thing I found out a few years ago when I got my first car, that I really love driving. It's one of the very few things I like to do. I know that makes me sound like a boring person but it's true.
Secondly, I'm very high up in the hospital and only the very important surgeries get assigned to me.
The rest of my time (which is a lot), I spend behind my desk, running most of the affairs of the hospital.
This sees to it that I hardly have time for anything else except I deliberately arrange for it in my schedule. So, driving for me helps me to interact with my environment at least.
I can drive to the gas station and fill up my baby myself, I can roll down my glass and complain to the next driver who's  stalling unnecessarily and the list goes on.
You'd be surprised at what so many take for granted.
Also, it's one of the very few times that I'm alone and I get to think about a lot of things.
To summarize it, I really like driving. Really strange, but true.

The large black gates of my house come into view and I slow to a stop once I reach them.
Mr. Ranch spots me and hurries over to unlock the gates and let me in but I see that after he does that, he bows slightly instead of tipping his hat as usual before straightening himself and beckoning for me to roll down my glass.

"Good evening Miss."

"Good evening Mr. Ranch. How are you?"

"I'm very well Miss." He smiles. Despite his age, he still stands straight with a very healthy spring in his step, always looking neat with his grey hair neatly tucked under his cap.

"Did you want anything?"

"Ah, yes young Miss. The gardener told me to inform you that he couldn't make it today and that he'll be here early tomorrow. Is that okay by you miss?"

"Oh, perfectly fine, just make sure he doesn't make a noise with the machines and all." I nod.

"And again, Miss Tomi Claire just arrived about an hour ago." He states and from where I am, I can spot Tomi's Audi parked beside mom's Lexus in the garage.

"Did she tell you why she's here?" I frown slightly trying to remember if there is any reason she'd show up but nothing comes up.

"No she didn't. Is there a problem Miss?"

"No there isn't, I was just wondering but thank you." My thoughtful frown vanishes and I quickly replace it with a smile.

"Very well Miss but may I add, you look radiant today." He smiles nicely, making him look even younger. 

"Mr. Ranch, how can that be possible? It's 6:34 in the evening!" I laugh softly.

"Forgive me Miss, I just have noticed it since the day you came back from church with that young man on Sunday." He says and I just smile knowingly.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome Miss and he is a fine man. He treats you well."
Whoa, I never for once thought that I would be hearing these words from Mr. Ranch. He is what I would call a very dedicated person. He never sees the need to spark up a conversation, except it's work related so this is new.

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