Chapter 25

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By the time Brian dropped me off, it was really late and mom was already asleep so I tiptoed upstairs in order not to wake her because I know she's a light sleeper. Once I'm in my room, I take off my heels and massage my feet on the rug.
I don't even get out of my dress before immediately picking up my phone to call Tomi.

After Brian invited me to the party on Thursday, I told Tomi and she was all for it, making me promise to call her when I came back.

Since it's 1:27 in the morning, I'm sure she's asleep so it's not a surprise she answers on the fourth ring.

"Hey lovebird, how'd it go?" I scrunch up my nose at the name she just called me.


"Yeah that's what I said." She says and I can hear her yawn loudly obviously not bothered about my discomfort.

"We're not a thing." I huff trying to defend myself.

"Whatever you say, but I know a couple when I see one or rather hear one because I haven't officially met him." She chuckles and I just roll my eyes.

"You're just really dramatic."

"I am not and don't leverage on this to change the topic. I asked a question earlier, how did it go?" Too happy to pick offence at her snarky comment, I sink into my bed and smile dreamily.

"It was wonderful, the best night of my life Tomi." I sigh, taking a lock of my hair and twirling it around my finger.

"Fill me in girl!!" She screeches.

"The party was to celebrate the twentieth year anniversary of his company and it was absolutely lovely." I twirl my hair round my finger further. "I didn't know that he was the managing director."

"Are you serious?" She shrieks and I wince.

"Okay Tomi you've gotta stop doing that!" I massage my ear trying to get rid of the ringing sound caused by Tomi's high pitch.

"I'm sorry but I was just surprised that's all." I nodd and smile remembering how I had reacted almost the same way when he told me; only I didn't scream his ear off!

"I know right, I was also surprised." I chuckle.

"He's quite humble." She adds.

"I said about the same thing too and he shocked me with his answer." I flip onto my front and prop up my torso with my elbows.
"He said that he'll always help a friend in need because God blessed him as the managing director not for himself but to bless others. I mean who does that." I tried to sound carefree but inside was a totally different story.

"Christians." She says flatly. "Only Christians do that."

For the first time in years, I agree with her.

I ran through my memory for every genuinely kind hearted, affectionate and lovely person I had ever met.
Dad, Mom, Tomi, Max, Aunt Talia, Uncle Tom, Sam, Mr. Blake, Cecilia, Stella, Mr. Stanford, the preacher on television, the brown eyed old lady in the ambulance, and Brian.

They were all Christians.

How come I never noticed? I've been surrounded by only the best people in the world and they were all Christians.

Oh dear.

I have been blinded so much by rage, hatred and anger that I couldn't see.
I had willingly forgotten all the years I spent in church, the few years I spent learning the word with my dad because I was hurting.

I need a life; a real life.

"Maya are you still there?" Tomi's voice rings through the speaker in a worried tone and I blink, just realizing she had been calling my name.

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