Chapter 30

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Maya- what are you doing now

Brian's reply is quick as always

Brian❤- giving Lily a bath

Maya- oh, that's so cute

Brian❤- not really 

Along with his reply comes a picture and once my eyes land on it, my face slowly turns red and I cover my mouth with my hand as I try to hold in my laughter.

In the picture is Brian squatting before Lily who is in a large tub. Her fur is soaked through with the water and her paw is against Brian's face pushing him away.
Brian is holding a brush with his hand stretched out trying to reach for her fur and even though Lily's paw is covering most of his face, I can still see he looks really frustrated. His shirt doesn't miss out on the fun as it is soaked in water too.

Maya- that is so cute 😂😂😂

Brian❤- why am I not surprised 🙄

Maya- maybe because you know me too well. Lily and I are always on the same side even if it you're not on it

Brian❤- I'm stuck with you right

Maya- exactly 😁 and how are you able to text with all that water flying around

Brian❤- I can do anything and chat with you

Maya- you are so sweet ❤

Brian❤- it's a pity I can't take that heart and frame it knowing you sent it

Maya- you are so making me blush right now 😊

Brian❤- and I am satisfied by just that

Maya- I love you

Brian❤- would you believe me if I said I loved you more

Maya- no

Brian- I'll still say it..... 

A voice note appears, attached to his reply, and I raise the phone to my ear and tap the play button. His deep baritone wafts through the speaker.

..... I love you more

I smile warmly and play the note again, trying to suppress the deep fluttering feeling in my chest that seems to go off only because of him.

Maya- where did I get you 😭

Brian❤- I think it's both ways

Maya- no you're the one that's making all the effort in this relationship. I'm just doing nothing

Brian❤- your love is all that I want and with that you're perfect for me

Maya- I love you

Brian❤- I love you too babe

Maya- alright I need to go now, I'm busy with work

Brian❤- and I was just beginning to enjoy myself

Maya- how come you're not at work. If I'm correct, Wayne Investments opens on Tuesdays

Brian❤- I took a day off. I needed some time to myself cause recently the work load has been so hectic

Maya- alright then, see you in the evening cause I'm coming over. I would like to talk about a few things or something rather

Brian❤- oh what about

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