Chapter 15

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I have been working day and night, along with my physical assistants carrying out research, compiling manuals and recommending instruments to be used  for the operation due in a few days.
After much debating, I had been assigned the task of carrying out the operation on Sophie's heart.

The Blakes, on the other hand have practically lived at the hospital ever since.

After Mrs. Blake had been discharged, they would each take turns staying at the hospital.
Mrs. Blake though usually was present more often because of her less busy schedule.
The day Mrs. Blake was to be discharged, I had a meeting with both of them to explain the entire situation.

I let them know that an open heart surgery would have to be carried out on Sophie's heart in order to seal up the hole. 
The brain tumor on the other hand is such that there is no cure. The only way around is that the patient lives on treatment to prolong life to an extent.

Boy, was I surprised when the couple refused the treatment. They believed that after the surgery, their daughter would be fine.
As much as I know, they're a very wealthy couple. Mr. Blake owns an automobile company which is doing very well and Mrs. Blake is a successful interior designer.
According to my statistics, the bill shouldn't cost them so much.

So, why take the risk?

I had asked myself this question so many times and not once had I gotten a reasonable answer.

During the meeting, I had to spell out the possibility of Sophie dying if not on treatment but each time, they refused to budge.
After a while, I gave up and now I only hope that Sophie will be fine.
In fact, slowly, even if I wouldn't admit it to anyone, curiosity is getting the better of me.

Could they possibly know what they're doing?

Also, I have noticed something strange.
Mrs. Blake occasionally, would ask to be let into the intensive care unit and then she would lay hands on her child and murmur incoherently under her breath just like I occasionally see mom do when she's praying.
This, Mrs. Blake does day after day and I'm beginning to wonder.
I have heard that Christians usually do that to sick people but I have never really seen it happen.

I think they call it speaking in tongues.

Whenever my mom's friends from church come over, I'm always at work or at a conference or at a work related dinner party so this is totally new to me and as much as I feel she's crazy, I'm curious.

I turn to look at the hospital bed on which mom's still lying motionless.
The drip is connected to her left palm, her eyes are shut and her face pale.
Her usually rosy skin has lost it's color, making her look years older.
I shut my laptop and reach out to stroke her now slightly wrinkled forehead.
Just then, I hear a knock on the door. I pull my hand away, place it on my lap and turn myself in my seat. The door opens just as I  adjust myself and the plump nurse from earlier on walks in.

"Good day ma'am, there's a lady here to meet you." I try to remember if I'm expecting any visitors  but I can recall none.

"You can send her in." The nurse nods disappears through the door and appears again, this time with someone behind her.
Once I notice the visitor, I leap up and charge towards her.

"Tomi!" I throw my hands around her neck and she squeezes my shoulders as she hugs me back.
Once we pull away, she begins stroking my hair and a tear rolls down her cheek.

I frown worridely.

"Oh, Maya.... I'm so sorry, I'm a horrible friend." I roll my eyes and pull her into another embrace while stroking and patting her back at the same time.

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