Author's special note ♥

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Hey there valued reader,

I hope you enjoyed reading The Illuminant as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I've always wanted to write and when I came across wattpad where I could share my creations to a ready audience like you, I was overjoyed. I then set to work putting ideas together.
There was one thing though, I wondered, how I was going to represent Christ even here on wattpad. You see, I had always felt I wasn't doing enough for the gospel of Jesus Christ and yeah, I still feel so occassionally so I saw wattpad as a huge opportunity.
What better way to preach the gospel to thousands and even millions of people than to write (something I had always loved to do). I say it again, I saw it as a huge opportunity which could not be missed for anything and so, my first official book went into the works.

At first, I came up with the Title "Finding Truth" but I wasn't satisfied and I seemed to have reached a dead end as far as titles were concerned.

After much time wasting, I then resorted to 'the Father in me', the Holy Spirit for help.
"Oh Lord God...," I prayed, "...give me a title." And he did!

One day as I was brooding over the message and plot of the book, it just dropped in my spirit and I knew that was it! I didn't even know a word like that existed because I immediately rushed to look it up in the dictionary keeping my fingers crossed all the while that I'd find it, and fortunately there it was.

An Illuminant is something that illuminates. To illuminate means to "shine light", "decorate", "clarify", "make understandable", "make spectacular", "glow", "light up", "be exposed to light" and so many more.

My amazement was that it captured entirely the message I wished to portray through the book and I didn't even know what the word meant!
I had never heard the word before but the Holy Spirit revealed it to me.
And so the book was named after the Holy Spirit himself; The Illuminant.

The ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of a man is to illuminate. When he comes in, he shines his light into the dark places of the heart. This is not for condemnation or embarassmaent but for realisation.

When he comes to stay, he decorates your life. The word is adorn. It's in the same manner a lady adorns her hair or clothes with jewelry. There's a careful and sometimes painstaking effort put into the activity; it's not casual at all. That's what the Holy Spirit does with His presence. When you let Him in, He makes your life beautiful and pleasant to behold. He makes your life spectacular.

He brings a sort of glory into your life such that there's a glow around you. When people meet you, they notice there's something different which they cannot seem to place their finger on. It's a certain attractiveness which has nothing to do many times with your appearance. You may even look the same but there's a difference.
You seem to glow with something metaphysical.

He lights up your life and you become a light too to others. Your life is suddenly full of good things; favour, grace, prosperity, health, wisdom, love and so much more.

This is just an aspect of the ministry of the Holy Spirit in one's life; there's so much more to God and in His word is where you'd see it all. Why? Because the word of God is God!

Unfortunately, many don't know that God is waiting patiently for the lost to come to Him because all He wants to do is love!
There's a scripture I came across a few weeks ago; Isaiah 43:3-4 (MSG)

"I paid a huge price for you;
all of Egypt, with rich Cush and
Sheba thrown in!
That's how much you mean to me!
That's how much I love you!
I'd sell of the whole world
to get you back,
trade the creation just for you!"

Can you beat that? Who in this world could ever love you like that?

Guess what, he paid an even bigger price in the person of his only son, Jesus!
For your sake, He sent Jesus in your place to die a gruesome death in order to purchase your freedom. If you were the only person on earth who needed saving, He would've still done it in a heart beat. That's how much He loves you!

All He asks from you is to accept His love and be saved. Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord today; don't put it off because He's coming again and time is running out!

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father, except by me."

If you want to make Jesus Christ the Lord of you life and invite The Illuminant into your heart, repeat these words...

"Dear father, I believe with all my heart in Jesus Christ, the son of the living God.
I believe he died to take away my sins and rose again for my justification. I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord of my life from this day. Come into my heart and be Lord of my life. I receive eternal life now. I am a child of God now, I am born again! In Jesus name, Amen!"

Glory to God! If you just said that prayer, you are now a member of God's great big family of love. I have a special gift for you too as your sister in Christ. To claim your gift, send me a private message. I'll be very glad to receive you! If you need to discuss over any issue, you can contact me through PM as well.
Have a wonderful month ahead and I love you dearly!

Chinwe_epistle ♥

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