Chapter 13

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I just gaze at her sleeping face in silence and sigh deeply.
Due to the impact of the stoke, the left side of her face is misshapen and when she regains consciousness, she would have problems using the entire left side of her body, that is except she has the surgery.

She still hasn't woken up from the coma and I need to make a decision fast.

If only I had reached her on time, she could have been injected with the TPA (Tissue Plasminogen Activator) but that has to be done within four to five hours of the stroke symptoms.
I would say she had been out for more than five hours before I came in.

It has to be surgery.

But then, as I study her even breathing, I chuckle dryly.

Who am I kidding, she would never agree to a surgery.

The only thing she would gladly accept is prayer and constant reading of that boring book.
What's so special in that compilation of biographies and historical letters anyway?

I, guess it's because I never liked history.
The doctor's report crumples in my hand while I shift in my seat and I glance once more at it.

Just then, the door creakes open to reveal a stout nurse with plump cheeks and a merry smile.
Her nurses' cap is perched on the top of her head secured by many bob pins.
She clears her throat and straightenes her skirt.

"Yes?" I ask in a not-so-polite manner, obviously irked by the interruption.

"I'm sorry to disturb you ma'am, but there is someone waiting to see you."

Suddenly, all my annoyed thoughs screech to a halt and my heart rate picks up as the meaning of her sentence sinks in.

"He's here." I croak.


I watch as my mom is wheeled away on the stretcher and I take a few steps back before slumping into one of the empty seats in the waiting room, my head in my hands.

I really need to call Tomi right now.

Sniffing, I pull out my phone and search up her contact in my address book.

I saved her contact as 'BESTIE' and coincidentally, there is hardly any other contact beginning with the letter 'B' in my address book.

Not until a few days ago.

I smile and look at the only other contact with the letter 'B' as it's initial.


I feel a certain warmth as I remember that night at the park where we officially met.

The way his green eyes sparkled when he laughed, exposing his perfectly set teeth .....

The way his.....

Focus Maya, you need to call Tomi.

As much as I don't want to admit it, I have to stop thinking about Brian and focus on more important things.
So, I reluctantly shut out the inviting thoughts of him and press the button to call Tomi. Or so I thought.

As I raise the phone to press against my ear, I catch a glimpse of the screen and my eyes almost pop out of my sockets.

Blimey? I'm calling Brian!!

With the speed of light, I tear the phone away from my ear and stare at it in my hands, not knowing what to do.

So I take the next best option. The beep signals my hanging up. I shut my eyes tightly, wishing he isn't near enough to his phone to call back.

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