Chapter 11

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Maya- Thanks for yesterday 😁, I enjoyed it ☺. That was a sweet surprise 😍.

Clave- I'm glad you did. I enjoyed every        bit of it too 😁. What's your schedule like.

Maya- busy every day 🙄

Clave- 😂😂😂😂 really?

Maya- yeah, pretty much, why do you ask 🤔

Clave- um just wanted to know

Maya- well, i'm only free on sundays cuz i don't go to church 😑

Clave- oh wow, me too 😏, so you're up?

Maya- not really, mom insisted that after church, i spend the afternoon with her and a few others 🙄. Bonding time she says 😒

Clave- 😭😭😭 i cry for you 😂😂

Maya- i need it 😊. Tomi's a Christian now you know.

Clave- yeah 🤔 i kinda noticed, was gonna ask her about it but forgot.
That's strange, because she's one person i never thought would become one.

Maya- when she met Max, a lot changed 🙄

Clave- whoa when did they meet

Maya- in college

Clave- that's a long way back, did they date? I hear Christians don't date 🙄

Maya- Yeah in a way-it's complicated actually. I think their definition of dating is much different from ours so they were mostly just friends, really close friends until i found out that they were looking to get married, hence the dating part

Clave- really 😯

Maya- i was surprised too, okay a little bit more than just surprised, i admit I was kinda angry at her, but as a friend, the least i could do was be happy for her.

Clave- you were really cool to do that because Christianity is totally silly if you ask me. 

My chest clenches at that and I feel the urge to defend Tomi.

But he's just saying the truth. It is silly.

Instead of standing up for her, I just brush it aside and focus on his earlier compliment.

Maya- thanks

Clave- i was just stating the obvious, no need to thank me 😁

For a few seconds, I just read and reread  the text, before I hear the ring that signifies the arrival of another text from him.

Clave- what are you doing now ☺

I look at the bowl of KFC chicken I am currently stuffing myself with and I bite my lip.

Maya- eating 😏

Clave- oh i remember 😂, you'd kill for food, what exactly are you eating.

Maya- chicken

Clave- you're not asking me to come join you 😢

I roll my eyes and peel off another part of the spicy drumstick, munching on it noisily.

Maya- you know i won't 😂

Clave- a guy can try, can't he 😏

Maya- most certainly 😁

After that, there is silence, no beep from my phone showing that his reply has come in and I blow off a strand of hair that had escaped my bun.

Looking over at my table across from me, I remember the enormous amount of work I am yet to complete and I groan.
I pick up my phone from the bed and after staring at it for some time wondering if I should send a message or not, I decide to send it. 

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