Chapter 22

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Abigail pushes open the door and I look up from my laptop at her.

"Mrs. Blake is outside ma'am."

"Oh okay, send her in." I shut my laptop as she nods and disappears behind the door.
A few seconds later, she appears again, this time with Mrs. Blake behind her.

"Hello Cecilia it's good to see you." I extend my hand in a handshake.

"It's good to see you too." She takes it and I gesture for her to sit down on the chair in front of my desk as I do the same.

"How is your husband?"

"He's great, very great. I'm sorry, he couldn't make it, he was stuck at work." She smiled apologetically.

"It's alright, I'm just happy for you two."

"Dave and I can't thank God enough because without him, I'm sure Sophie would still be suffering  or might even be dead by now." I smile softly and nod my head slightly.

"What happened still is a mystery to me but I guess you could say God healed her." I smile.

"He did. I really feel like we should hang out sometime you know, just you and me." Her blue eyes twinkling as she smiles, exposing her pretty teeth behind her rosy red coated lips.

"I think that would be great. It's just that I have a quite busy schedule but I'm willing to cancel a few things." I smile and she laughes softly.

"I don't want to be a bother really."

"No you're not, I don't do that for many people." I smirk.

"I am honored doctor."

"It's Maya." I correct.

"Maya then." She giggles and I nod in agreement.

"Ooh, I think I'm forgetting why you're here in the first place. Don't mind me." I bend down and pull the file out of my desk drawer and open it, shoving it towards her. She takes out a pen from her bag and I show her where to put her signature.

After she's done, we shake hands and share a hug.

"Now, let's go see Sophie." With that, we leave my office hand in hand and towards Sophie's ward.

A few minutes later, I am pushing open the door to Sophie's ward with Cecilia right behind me, and a few meters away from us is Sophie in a white crib by the window.
Cecilia, once she's inside, rushes to the crib and reaches out to cradle her little girl in her arms.
I can see tears glistening in her eyes as she cuddles her lovingly to her chest. Baby Sophie just cooes softly and nuzzles her nose fondly into Cecilia's white blouse.
I quietly come closer in order not to interrupt their moment but unfortunately, Cecilia notices my presence and lookes up smiling before looking back at her baby.

"This is Aunty Maya." She says in motherese and I just laugh.

"Yeah, it's Aunty Maya." I aceed and reached out to stroke her rosy cheeks. She is dressed in a pretty baby pink dress, covered from hem to hem in shimmery silver, making her look like a little diamond sparkling in the sun. "You are looking so beautiful my dear." In response, she grips my finger with her little pink hand and squeezes it hard, her tiny lips turning downwards and her face bunching up as she let's out a wail. "Aww, I'm gonna miss you too my little ray of sunshine. Don't worry, I'll come around to see you sometime." It seems like she understands my words, because she immediately calms down and smiles, exposing her toothless gum and little pink tongue.

"She is so cute. She looks a lot like you you know." I tell Cecilia and she nods.

"Yeah, David says so too. She seems to really like you." I reach down to pick up her bag of baby supplies as we both exit the ward.

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