Chapter 5

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I stare at the silver band that's lying delicately at the base of her finger, letting my hand fly up to my mouth in surprise.

"He didn't." I exclaim in disbelief, still ogling the ring.

"He did. I couldn't believe it either." I could see the twinkle in her eyes and I couldn't help being so happy for her.
A smile unfolds on my lips as I savour the thought of my best friend walking down the isle in the most beautiful wedding dress (I am definetely going to make sure of that).

I look up at her. "When did this happen, at church?"


Tomi Claire, Maya's best friend.

"Good morning, Mrs. Andrew."

"Good morning dear, how are you?" I can't help but notice how she is now missing most of her teeth.
Some time ago she was also young and beautiful, with her life ahead of her. Now, all she can do is advice us young people on what and what not to do. Someday, I will become old too and I'll be looking back on my life and how I have spent it.
Oh Lord, I want to look back and be satisfied.... like Paul. Help me.

"I'm wonderful, Mrs Andrew." I make sure to give her my most radiant smile.

"I can see that, my dear. Where is Max? I believe I just saw him."

"Yes, he was right here with me. I don't know where he has run off to." I look all around me hoping I'd spot him when I feel a strong hand grip my wrist. I turn to see Max behind me smiling at Mrs Andrew, his eyes crinkling at the edges and his dimples in full display, making my heart skip a beat. How does he manage to do this to me every time I see him.

"Oh, there you are Max. I was just asking Tomi here about you."

"Oh you were, well here I am, but I'm sorry, I may have to snatch Tomi away for now. It was a pleasure seeing you, have a nice Sunday." With that, he half drags me out of the church building and into his car which is parked a few miles away. I'm able to quickly throw her an apologetic smile over my shoulder before she is out of sight.

"What is it, and where are you taking us?"

"Don't ask questions, Tomi, just move with the flow." I raise my eyebrows in surprise and since no answer seems forthcoming, I try to stay calm.
A few minutes roll by and I get bored, so I pick up my phone and begin scrolling through pictures on Instagram.

When I look up from my phone after what seems like an hour or so and we are still driving, I begin to get really nervous.

"Max, it's getting freaky now. Can you just tell me what's going on?" The tempo of my voice has increased considerably by now. He just glances at me calmly and smiles,  showing those his captivating dimples.


My heart begins doing flip flops again.

"Stop that." I said, trying to focus on my reason for flaring up and not on his charm.

"Stop what?"

"Stop smiling."

"Why?" The mischief subtly laced in his baritone.

"You know why." I was fighting hard to keep from smiling. I pinched my nose in frustration.

"Ohhhh, is my smile doing anything to you?" The sides of his eyes begin to crinkle as his face breaks into a wide grin.

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