Chapter 33

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-The Wedding-

As I stare at my reflection in the mirror now, I can't believe how far I've gone and how much has happened - but in everything I've come out stronger because I have been made more than a conqueror.
A smile unfolds on my lips at my thoughts and I take in a deep breath before fixing the micro ear piece unto my pinna and letting my hair fall back to cover it.
As the chief bridesmaid, along with the best man, I'm required to wear an earpiece during the wedding ceremony. This is to keep us in contact with Alicia, the wedding planner in case there's any emergency or extra information that needs to be passed across.
I run my hands along my dress admiring the white shiny fabric as it hugs my torso elegantly in a fitting hold and falls freely down to my ankles.
Since I'm the chief bridesmaid, I get to wear the same color of dress as the bride while the dress code for the other bridesmaids is turquoise green like Tomi and I agreed.
My phone buzzes on the dressing table and I pick it up to look at the screen.

Oh my God, It's Alicia.

"Hello." I hurriedely pick up my bag and clutch purse and bite my lip knowing a big scolding is on the way.

"Where are you? You're supposed to be here right now!!"

"I know, I'm sorry. I lost track of the time." I glance at the clock on the wall and groan inwardly when I see it's 8:15am.

"You lost track of the time on your own best friend's wedding?" She yells through the speaker.

"I'm sorry, okay? Please don't eat me." I fumble with the lock on the door.

"You're blessed I'm not there, if not I would have." I smirk and roll my eyes. Even though Alicia is very strict when she's doing her job, she's also really sweet and funny. "Do you have your earpiece on?"

"Yes...yes I do." I raise my hand to my ear to make sure the device is in place and return to opening the door. Finally, the lock clicks and the door swings open.
I quickly dash out and lock it behind me.
My shoes are in my bag so I don't have to worry about running down the stairs.
I try not to make a noise because I'm aware that we are not the only ones lodging at this hotel.
I look out for room 53 but I don't find it as easily as I thought I would because after a few minutes of patrolling the corridors, one of the room attendants who must have noticed my dilemma walks up to me.

"Is there a problem Miss?"

"Oh, thank you. I'm actually looking for room 53. Could you direct me to it?"

"Yes ma'am, follow me." I sigh in relief and follow her wondering why I didn't just save myself the trouble and ask for help earlier.

Thank God though for the air conditioners stationed at every nook and cranny, if not my makeup would be ruined by now and that won't be good at all because the makeup artist put a lot of work into my face.
Finally, the room attendant stops in front of the door with the number 53 casted in gold letters unto the white door.

"Here we are." She smiles and gives a curt bow.

"Thank you very much. I really appreciate it." I say, a little out of breath.

"It's my pleasure and I love your dress." She adds.

"Why thank you....thank you." I giggle totally caught off guard and she smiles before turning to leave.
I just shake my head and knock on the door. A few seconds later, Alicia's head pops out from behind it and once her eyes land on me, they narrow in slits.

"Get in here." She seeths and pulls me into the room.

Oh thank God she didn't bite me.

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