To Him

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Hi Dad,

It's been a while since I visited your stone last.
So many things have been happened since then.
Mom had a stroke, my hospital was closing down, I had the most complicated case to tackle with a very special patient, so I got tied up in all of it, leaving me no space to breathe.
I was scared for mom; I thought she was going to leave me like you did and I didn't know what to do but Tomi was there for me, as always. So was Aunt Talia, Uncle Tom and.........


I haven't told you about him.
I met him a few months ago and he changed me. I was broken but he taught me to see past all the chaos.
He taught me to see God.
I know now that if you were here, you would've been disappointed in who I had become.
After your death, I turned faithless, hateful, angry and utterly hopeless.
I had tasted the light but I blocjed it out by myself because I let hurt take over.
You wouldn't have been proud, I know.
But God brought him my way and showed me how to love again.
Love, that was all I needed, love.
It was love that healed mom, it was love that brought the hospital back and it was love that healed my patient.
Brian helped me find love in you so that I could love everyone else.

I gave my heart to the Lord again and I live for him now. I know, that's what you would've wanted because you loved him too, with all your heart.
I don't have nightmares of the night you died anymore because God took it all away, in his love. I'm now so full of God's love, I can share it with others.
I still would've loved you here with us but now I see that all things work together for the good of those who love God. It is well.
Tomi got married and you now have a soon to be son-in-law and yes, it is Brian.

I'm writing this letter for myself because I know you have another ministry up there in glory and no longer recognize me as your daughter but now sister in Christ. Nevertheless, for as long as I'm here, You're still my father until I too am translated into glory when HE comes for us.
Until then, I love you very much and wait to see you again, not here at your gravestone anymore (because I've moved on) but on that fateful day.

You are forever in my heart.

Maya ♡

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