Chapter 7

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Bent over, I rummage through my desk frantically in search of a particular file that holds the records to the pregnancy test of Mrs. Blake.

Where could it be, for goodness sake?

I slowly straighten myself and massage my temple in frustration as I try to recall where I might have left it.

Suddenly, my eyes widen in realization.

Right there in the file cabinet, sticking out of the left corner, I can faintly make out the first four letters 'Mrs. B.... ' in black ink from where I'm standing. 

I srtide over to the cabinet and pull out the file, grinning with satisfaction.

Then, as if to purposely ruin the moment, a menacing knock sounds on the door.
I let out an inhumane growl.
Can't I be left in peace?

"Who is it?" I shout over my shoulder.

"Good day, ma'am."

Urrgh, Abigail.

What does she possibly want, I thought I made it clear that I don't want to be disturbed.
Abigail is my secretary. A very timid and shy graduate who just replaced my last one that quit her job because she was relocating to France.

"Good day, and I remember specifically telling you not to interrupt me till noon." I say in an annoyed tone.

"Yes ma'am I..I understand, but there's someone here to see you and he won't leave no matter how many times I tell him to."

Hmmmn, who could that be, I don't remember having any appointments before noon.

"Is he a patient?" I queried.

"No ma'am. He also refused to state his name. He says it's a surprise for you?" The statement came out in a question like manner.

"Surprise." I snort in disbelief. " Send him in, but leave the door open once he's in."

"Yes ma'am." The door shut behind her.

"Surprise, he says." I scoff and shake my head.

Hardly do I get surprised.

I walk back to my desk and drop the file on top of the messy stack of papers ready to get working.

The door creakes open and the mystery person walks in. Once I raise my head, my eyes take on the size of saucers.

Standing in front of me is a very familiar blonde haired man......

his blue eyes eternally captivating......

his crooked smile, more crooked than ever......

his tan, deeper than the last time we met......

his head, towering far above mine even though I've never really been known as tall......

Despite all the changes, nothing would make me forget him.

"Hello, Maya. Missed me?" Immediately, all sense of reality leaves me and it's like my feet turn cold even though they're wedged in a pair of four inch stilettos.

I stand there transfixed to the spot as I stare at his advancing figure.

"Clave!!" I let out a squeal and charge foward, wrapping my arms around his neck.
His arms curl around my waist and holde us both in a tight hug.
If anyone barges in on us at this moment, I can bet I wouldn't hear the end of it.

"You can't imagine how much." His arms tighten more around my waist before we pull away.
Clave is or would I say was my childhood -next-door-neighbor-friend; apart from Tomi - only Tomi didn't live next door; her house was more like a few blocks away.

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