Chapter 32

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Instead of with Brian, I attended church with mom and Stella the Sunday after the dinner on Saturday a few weeks ago because it was the first Sunday after mom was healed.
Since mom was still attending the same church she did when I was a kid, I got to see some old faces, many of who were my age mates then, now married with kids.
Most of them were really happy to see me, even though I couldn't really remember all of them; but I was also happy to know they'd been praying for me since I left church seven years ago.
I heard that mom always asked the congregation to put me in prayers and now, here I am, an answered prayer.
I know that there's nothing more exciting than that.

During the service, when mom ascended the altar to give her testimony, the whole congregation went wild with joy.
There were hoots and shouts comimg from every corner of the auditorium so Stella and I jumped up and joined in the uproar. It was so much that the crowd had to be calmed down before she could continue. She therefore testified to the glory of God for her healing and for restoring her daughter to the body of Christ.
That brought tears to my eyes as I listened and Stella, along with a few brethren that were sitting beside me, hugged me lovingly.

Abigail came over to greet me at the end of the service and I was so happy to see her.
She was looking so wonderful and I could literally see the glory of God shining all over her.
At work earlier the day before, on Saturday, she asked me if she was still welcome to attend church with me and of course I said yes but since I then had to be at mom's church that Sunday, I told her to meet me there instead.
I have to admit, seeing her that Sunday gave me so much joy.

At the end of the service that day, the crowd that surrounded mom was epic.
People were hugging, giving handshakes and praising God along with mom and it was a sight to see really.
By the time we were leaving, the trunk of the car was brimming with presents, flowers and gift cards all for mom from friends and spiritual family.

That Sunday was perfect except for the fact that on our way back from church that morning we had to drop Stella off.
Since the initial reason I employed her was to take care of mom while mom was incapacitated, mom's healed now and therefore, according to her, her work is done.
I had even gotten so used to having her around that when she reminded us on Saturday that she'd be leaving that Sunday, I couldn't believe my ears.
I tried to get her to stay a little while longer but she insisted with the assurance that she'd always visit.
She'd become so much like family to mom and I that we were sad to see her go.

I smile remembering all the fond moments we shared together and how in a few months, she had quickly become a very integral part of our lives - but indeed there's a time and season for everything.

My mind returns from it's reminiscing back to where I'm seated in my car, driving to work.
The song Brian introduced to me a few months ago is playing through the speakers and I'm singing softly along.
It's gradually become my regular companion; I take it everywhere and practically play it every day I'm in the car and you know I'm in the car very often.

I always wonder how Africans can capture so many feelings in just one word and get you up on your feet praising God.
One of my plans is to visit Africa someday more specifically, Nigeria. I hear they have a very rich culture there with so many ethnic groups and hospitable people.
This song too, like I noticed when I watched the music video a few days ago shows quite a lot of them.
Each time I listen to the song, it just remindes me of God's goodness; it's even what got me brooding in the first place.

What an irony that if I heard the same type of song four months ago, I'd get absolutely irritated, angry, vengeful and bitter. I could even start getting horrible and disturbing flashbacks threatening to begin another panic attack but now all I feel is Christ's love, inexpressible joy and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding.

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