Chapter 12

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There in front of me sprawled on the marble floor unconscious is my mom. There are splinters of glass a few inches from her hand and a pool of water on the floor. 
I look around the kitchen and nothing else seems to be out of place.

She must have had a......

No-no, it can't be.

Heat floods my eyes and I clasp my hand over my quivering lips.
Suddenly my knees begin to tremble and I can't bring myself to move.

For some time, I can't really tell, I just stand there transfixed to the spot, tears streaming down my face.

"Mom!!!" I scream finally and then charge forward sliding down unto my knees.
I wrap my trembling hands round her form and hoist her unto my lap with all the strength I can muster.

" mom please." I shake her vigorously not knowing what else to do.

I shut my eyes and try to think of a solution-but no, I just can't.
Pictures of her being forever confined to a bed begin to flod my mind robbing me of every idea I could have derived.

Oh dear, where is all your medical knowledge when you need it!
My mind is basically as blurry as my vision, I can't think of a thing.
Calm down Maya, calm down, it'll be alright, I try to assure myself.

I feel her pulse.....thank goodness, she is still alive.
I need to take her to a doctor- but my car is out of gas, how do I...

Yes, that's it - an ambulance! Yes I'll call an ambulance!!
Now where is my phone?

Right, in my pocket. I reach into my dressing gown's pocket and fish out my phone.
With one hand still wrapped around her, I put on my phone and dial the nearest hospital putting it on speaker phone.

"Good morning, how may I help you?" The cherry voice wafts through the phone. Unfortunately, I'm in no mood for cherriness.
I clear my throat in order to conceal my shaky voice and bite my lip that has begun to quiver again, my eyes blurring again.

Oh, how am I supposed to do this? Doing my best to swallow the lump in my throat, I take a deep breath and speak up.

"Good morning-my m....mother just collapsed on the floor..., s...she needs to be taken to the hospital." So much for sounding cool, I sniff.

"Yes Miss... "

"Solana.. Miss Solana."

"Miss Solana-m...miss, I mean doctor Solana of Kinder hospital?"

"Y... yes." My voice quivering badly as I cradle my mom even tighter against my chest.

"Oh, right away Ma'am, we'll be there right away. Your address please?"

" 27, s....saint P...petersons block, Brown Stones area." I blurt and bite back a sob.

"Thank you Miss Solana, we'll be there in a few minutes." Sighing heavily, I let the phone slide unto the ground.

I look at my mom and the tears begin to flow again, this time my shoulders are vibrating and I bury my face into her neck and sob.

"Oh mom, you can't go … you're all I have left in the world. Everybody's gone. I only have you. You just can't go, just can't. I can't lose you too."


The houses whizz past in a blurr as we speed to the hospital a few miles away.
Once and again, I keep looking at my mom's unconscious body and wish
the ride would take less time.

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