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Welcome everyone to my new book!!! Took me a good few weeks to come up with the title name and I'm loving it, as always this is just the welcome speech, updates will be coming out on there normal schedule (sort of). I'm waiting on my artist to send me the sketch for one of my characters transformation for this book, so I'm kinda waiting on that and once I get it, it's like a green light signal that I can go. I just don't want to get up to a certain point and become stuck in a pickle so...... yeah probably gonna break this rule just because I'm excited to start! Well anyways, how you guys like that description, it's a little all over the place but it's good and I think I like it, yeah I think I like it, might change it around a little but for now it's gonna stay as is. And what about that cover? I made it myself so I can't judge although I make mostly everything here myself so I should never be able to judge, yet I still do. Anyways I'm blabbing too much, let me know your thoughts for this new book in the comments section down below and yeah that's pretty much everything, I'll see ya all by the first chapter, when ever that might be....

Oh I almost forgot one very important thing. If you guys didn't know this already this is probably the last time I'm gonna say it so listen up; from this book and forward I'm not following the original storyline of Winx club, we are breaking away from the canon and going full out fanfiction people. That means no more relying on the show, there is only one thing you can trust anymore and that, is me.

Yeah now we covered everything, I'll probably see you all next week, yeah I'm definitely not gonna wait for the sketch, or be able to wait for the sketch to start writing, oh well, more fun for me! :)


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