The Truth Comes Out

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(Keith's Perspective.)

The door opens and we exit.

"Hello. I am Princess Allura and these are the paladins of Voltron."

The galran man nods before turning to me. He looks at me oddly and makes his way towards me.

"You must be Keith."

I nod.


Everyone looks at us puzzledly as the man gets closer to me. He sniffs before pulling back.

"I would never have guessed you'd be pregnant."

At this everyone goes silent. Off to the side Lances mouth drops open and everyone has blank stares except Coran and Allura.

"I'm sorry, what now?"

Lance recovers and looks at the galra expectantly.

"Did you just say the words pregnant and Keith in the same sentence? Because if you haven't noticed Keith is a male and males don't get pregnant."


Everyone looks at Pidge as she contemplates. She looks up eyes sparkling.

"I read in some books on the castle that due to problems back in time the galra ways shifted! There was a threat to their life existence and females were hard to come by. Males adapted by somehow gaining female reproductive systems. This made it possible for them to carry children!"
She turns on me excitedly.

"The way you've been acting! It was symptoms of pregnancy! You're pregnant!"

They all look at me in awe.

"Wait. You're saying that Keith, my baby brother, is pregnant?"

Shiro asks carefully. He looks at me waiting for an answer. I feel everyones eyes on me as I nod a yes in response. Pidge shouts and tackles me in a hug. Hunks not far behind her. When they break away Shiro steps over.

"I don't even know how this is possible."

He shakes his head.

"How long?"

I shrug.

"About five months."

He inspects my stomach.

"You don't look that big."

I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, I know. Just pudgy."

He laughs and gives me a small hug.

"I think you'll do fine. Just remember we'll all be here to help."

"I know."

There's a short silence that follows before Hunk finally asks.

"Wait, does that mean Keith is gay?"

"Yes, Hunk."

Pidge says.

"Why else would he be pregnant?"

"No, I'm just wondering. If there needs to be another guy, who's the dad?"

There's yet again another silence as everyone looks at me. Lance hasn't spoken a word and he looks lost. He's biting his lip and fiddling with his hands. When there's no answer he looks up and catches my eye.


"Wait. Don't tell me you don't know!"

Pidge says exasperated.

"Hey! I would never sleep around like that!"

"Then who is it? I don't care if we know the guy or not. I just want a name."


Shiro steps over and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Have you even told the dad?"

When it's silent again the answer is obvious.

"You haven't told the dude!"

Pidge shouts.

"My god Keith! It's been this long and he still doesn't know!"

I glare at her.

"It's not my fault! Like any of us would think this would ever happen! Guys just don't get pregnant! It's not a normal conversation!"

"All I'm saying is that whoever the guy is should know! Five months! The guys probably found someone else already!"

"Would it matter!? Pretty sure nobody expects to all of a sudden be a parent because the guy they slept with got pregnant!"

After I yell Pidge doesn't respond. When I look at her she has a somber expression.

"I already have to deal with this."

I say quietly.

"I don't want to have to deal with you guys yelling at me about my life decisions."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

A voice finally speaks up. Everyones eyes turn to focus on Lance. He's standing up straighter and looking at me directly.


"Why didn't you say anything? Five months Keith!"

I flinch at his tone.


He asks as he steps closer to me.

"I understand now. Everything's adding up."

He stops in front of me and I glance at him, trying to avoid his piercing blue eyes. They're filled with question and, is that, want?

"I wish you would have said something sooner. Anything!"

His eyes start to water and I watch him confused.

"Are you... gonna cry?"

I ask softly. He doesn't break my gaze.

"I wish I could hate you."


Allura whisper scolds him.

"I wish I could hate you for keeping it from us. I wish you would have told us sooner. I wish we could have figured something out before something like this happend. I wish you would let us be there for you. But do you know what I wish most of all?"

He searches my face and I feel his hands wrap around my wrists. We're close. Almost to close.

"I wish that it didn't happen this way. But, maybe if this hadn't of happened neither of us would be able to get the courage to do this."

Suddenly I'm being pulled closer and my lips collide with his. It's the same as the night we shared. His lips are soft and I feel myself melt into his touch. Everything about this is right. I wouldn't have it any other way. We break apart and he smiles at me.

"Hey. Maybe sleeping together wasn't such a bad thing."

I roll my eyes and smack him lightly on the arm. He laughs and envelopes me in a hug.

"I'm guessing this means Lance is the baby daddy."

"Wait. Is that where they went during the party? I was looking everywhere for them!"

Pidge laughs before responding.

"At least you didn't find them."

"That explains the noises I heard that night."

Shiro says solemnly. Everyone laughs as he shakes his head.

"Too much information. Too much."

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