Please Return To Me Safe and Sound

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(Keith's Perspective.)

"Are you okay?"

"Don't worry about me. I'm just gonna go home."


"You guys are fine. I don't blame you or anything. I just- I want to go home."



I open the door to find the house empty. That's right. Anna is at Rosa's. I close the door behind me and drop my stuff by the door to go to the living room. It's just as empty and the feeling makes me shudder. Alone. I'm alone. No comfort of friends or family. Just me and the house.

I walk towards Lance and I's bedroom. I look around and my eyes land on his old jacket. It's the one he wore constantly when we were up in space. The one I used to wrap myself up in to keep warm. It's a reminder. And right now. A reminder is all I have.

I grab it and slip my arms through the still to long sleeves. It still smells like him. Coffee and the ocean. Lance. I bury my head in his scent and before I know it I'm crying. It's a silent crying. One that people normally wouldn't notice unless you looked up or made a sound.

"I miss you."

I whisper. There's no response and I slowly drag myself to the bed. I curl up into myself as far as I can with the baby and lay there in silence. I've never felt so alone.

(Lance's Perspective.)

(Hey, uh. Sadness. Also, sexy stuff. I can't write sexy stuff but I sure as hell can try. Enjoy.)

I enter the house as quietly as I can and I'm surprised to see Keith's stuff thrown haphazardly on the ground. I set my stuff on the counter before making my way through the house towards our room. Upon entering I find him curled up on his side wrapped in my old jacket. The sight sends a wave of sadness through me.

There was a problem with the castle that caused a delay in travel and we were unable to contact anybody to inform them we would be late. That must have killed him. I step towards the bed and walk around to my side so I can see him clearly. His face is mostly hidden but the tear tracks streaking his face are clear as day.

"Oh, Keith..."

I climb onto the bed and maneuver my way to the other side so I can lay against him. He mumbles but doesn't wake up.

"I'm so sorry."

I whisper into his hair.

"I didn't mean to worry you."

I say while running my hand over his side. He moves more into me and I prop myself up so I can see his face. Beautiful and so perfect. My Keith. My love. My everything.

"I love you."

I whisper as I kiss his temple.


He mumbles.

"I'm here. I'm always here."

He blinks slowly and rubs at his eyes.


At the sound of my voice he freezes.


"I'm here."

He shoots up and I laugh as he regards me with wide eyes.


"Are here."

He lunges at me and in seconds his lips are on mine.

"Hey there!"

He pulls back and grins at me.

"You're back."


He leans down and kisses me again.

"You're really back."


"Anna is at a friends house."

At that I cock an eyebrow in question.

"What are you implying?"

He grins.

"I'm pregnant and horny. My husband -you- just came home after a month away. I think I deserve this."

"You make a fair point."

I reply while slowly pushing him back onto the bed.

"Although, are you sure you're awake enough? I mean, you just woke up."

He narrows his eyes at me.

"Don't test me."

I offer him a sly smile before leaning down and kissing him. He groans and his hands wrap around my neck to pull me closer.

"I'm never leaving you again."

I whisper against his mouth.


He replies.

"Because I won't let you."

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