Face Timing Family

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(Lance's Perspective.)

(Because I'm a sucker for this. The paladins call home and are given time to reunite with their families and tell them everything is okay.)

"Are you ready?"

"No, but that's not a surprise."

"It'll be okay."

He says reassuringly.

"Yeah, I just have to prepare myself to cry."

"You're seeing your parents for the first time since who knows how long. It's emotional."

"Can you come in?"

He freezes.


"Because we're dating and I want my parents to meet my boyfriend. You can stand in the back for the first part if you want."

"No. I want to be there for you."

"I don't want to stress you out."

"I'll be fine."

"What about-"

"The baby will be fine."

He replies, knowing my question before I can ask it.


"Besides, the real question is how you're going to explain that you're dating a guy who looks human but isn't actually fully human and that said guy is pregnant and having their sons baby."

"That... is going to be hard to explain."

He nods.

"You think?"

    Suddenly the door opens to reveal a broken down Hunk. He's sobbing and Pidge is leading him out. She gives us a thumbs up before walking him to the couch. I turn to Keith and he reaches out.

"Don't panic. It'll be okay."

I take his hand and hold onto it tightly as we go into the other room. A decent sized screen is sat in the middle of the room and Matt is standing next to it. When he sees us he smiles.

"You ready?"

I nod and we both sit down. Keith presses into my side and I can already feel some of the stress fade.

"You'll be fine."

He reassures.

"They're your family. They probably miss you just as much."

"Okay guys."

Matt says from the side.

"The screen should go fuzzy for a few seconds then the camera should open up. You can see yourself in the tiny corner up here."

He points to the top part of the screen.

"Then the rest will be of your family. It'll probably connect to the TV. I'm going to stand off to the side and you guys can talk for 17 minutes. A little over should be okay so don't worry about it."

"Thanks Matt."

He smiles and presses a button before turning to leave.

"It's not a problem."

    The screen lights up for a few seconds and it's fuzzy just like Matt said it would be. I cling to Keiths arm like it's the only thing keeping me alive. Finally the screen clears and I find myself staring into my living room. It's exactly like how I left it. As I take in the room there's a loud squeal from somewhere off the screen. I watch as a small figure runs into view. A small girl with brown pigtails.

Worth It (Klance Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now