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(Keith's Perspective.)

"Donuts! We need donuts. Papi loves donuts."

Anna says, smiling at me.

"What about garlic knots?"

"Tons of garlic knots! Abuela can make them. She makes papis favorite."

"Are you gonna help her?"

She nods enthusiastically.

"We need to get a present too."

"I think I can do that while you're making garlic knots."

"Send pictures. It needs to be perfect."

"I know."

"Papi's gonna have the best birthday ever!"
Anna cheers while running out of the room to call Rosa.


I'm looking around the store when my phone rings. I answer the call and my daughters voice rings in my ear.

"Daddy, the garlic knots are in the oven! Have you found papi a present?"

"Not yet. Have you ordered the donuts?"

"Yep! Abuela said that tio Luis was bringing pizza too. We have a bunch of snacks and there's even chips and salsa for everyone."

I glance around the aisle I'm in before walking to the next one.

"Sounds good."

"Abuela said papi should be here in three hours. You have to get a cake too."

"Don't worry. I promise you I'll get his present and the cake in time."

"Send me a picture too!"

She shouts and I have to hold the phone away from my ear. As I'm doing so I catch a glimpse of a large painting. It's about as tall as Anna, maybe even taller. It takes up a big portion of space in the aisle, but the picture on it is beautiful.

"Anna, I think I might of found something. I'm going to end the call and send you a picture, okay?"

She squeals on the other end and the phone clicks off. I step up to the painting and run my fingers over the bumpy surface.

It's a painting of a beach. There's white sand trailing off into magnificent clear blue water. Around the edges there are palm trees and other smaller shrubbery. You can feel every mark of the waves from the paintbrush and the sky is a baby blue with a few puffy clouds. There's a plaque at the bottom of the painting and I stop to read it.

"Varadero Beach, Cuba."

    The name is familiar and I can remember Lance talking about it all the time. About how beautiful the water was and the beach. I snap a picture and send it to Anna. It only takes a few seconds before there's a response.

Rosa (Mother-In-Law): Its perfect! Papi will love it!


"Holy shit, Keith. I know you love my brother, but damn."

I glance at Veronica then back at the painting.

"Do you think he'll like it?"



There's suddenly a loud screech that's unmistakably Anna's.

"Papi's here!"

Veronica and I share a look before exiting the room and walking into the living room. Lance's family and all of our friends are gathered there as Anna runs in.

"He's here!"

She shouts again as she comes to a stop in front of me.

"Shhhh, we heard you the first time."

I reply as I pull her close and brush her hair out of her eyes. She smiles and practically hops in place as the front door opens with a click.


Lance calls out.

"In here, Mijo."

Rosa responds from where she's standing next to her husband. There's footsteps as Lance walks down the hall and he freezes in the doorway, eyes wide as he looks at everyone in the room.


The group exclaims. It takes barley a few seconds for it to register before Lance is smiling.

"Papi, we threw you a party!"

Anna says while stepping out of my arms to run at Lance. He catches her in a hug as she wraps her arms around him.

"I see that, Princesa. Thank you."

She pulls back and grabs his hand.

"Follow me! Abuela and I made garlic knots!"

Before he has the chance to say anything she's dragging him towards the kitchen.

"Well then."

Rachel says from where she's standing.

"Let's eat! I'm starving."


Everyone is spread out across the living room with plates mostly empty in hand when Rosa stands up.

"I think it's time for presents now."

She says, smiling at Lance.

"You really didn't have to get me anything."

Luis rolls his eyes from where's he's sitting with Leo and Maria.

"Please, Lance. We all know you love getting presents."

"That's true."

Pidge mutters.

"I was being polite."

Lance responds with a huff.

"Keith, care to help me bring them in?"


I stand and follow Rosa into the room housing the gifts.

"So, I was thinking we bring yours out first. It's the biggest one."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Don't worry, he'll love it."

"It's just a painting."

She laughs and places a gentle hand on my arm.

"A painting of his favorite place on earth besides with you and Anna."

At her words I can't help but smile.

"Thank you."

"I'm being honest. Guaranteed anything from you or Anna will make him happy. Now come on. Let's get this thing out there."


When Lance sees the painting he can only stare at it. The room is quiet and finally Anna's voice breaks the silence.

"Do you like it?"

He blinks at her before smiling and grabbing her hand.

"I love it, Princesa."

He looks back at the painting.

"Someday I'm going to take you there to see the beach."

His gaze moves to me.

"I'll show you where I grew up and we can go to the beach every single day."

He lets go of her hand and stands to trace the waves with his fingers.

"It's beautiful."

He whispers while moving to hug me.

"Thank you, mi amor. I love it more than words can say."

Worth It (Klance Mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now