Devil Pets and Creepy Noodles

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(Keith's Perspective.)

(I searched up fears and phobias for this. Did you know some people are afraid of knees?)


I try to jostle him awake but he stays asleep.

"You asked for it."

I say before grabbing his arm and pulling. He falls off the bed quickly and shouts in surprise as he's awoken. His eyes come to land on me and I offer him an innocent smile.

"We may have a slight problem."


I nod towards where Anna is sitting on the floor with Caleo.

"What? What's wrong?"

He sits up and rubs at his eyes as Anna get's up and walks over. I take Caleo from her and she points at the door.

"There's a spider in my room."


His gaze comes to rest on me.

"And you're all awake?"


He looks back at Anna.

"Was daddy too scared to take care of it?"

She nods.

"He said it was the devils pet."

Lance snorts before standing and ruffling her hair.

"I'll get it Princesa."

He pauses next to me and ruffles my hair as well.

"It's adorable how such simple things can scare such a tough soldier."

I shoot him a glare as he walks past.

"Says the guy who's afraid of snakes."

"Creepy noodles!"

Lance calls from the hallway.

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