Just a Reminder That Keith Is Perfect For Lance

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(Lance's Perspective.)

"Well if it isn't Lance McClain."

I turn around and come face to face with a petite blonde woman.

"I wasn't sure if I would ever see you ever again. Your life must be pretty busy."

"I'm sorry, do I know you?"

She shakes her head and laughs.

"My name's Kara Lenza. We went to school together."

I search back into my memory when suddenly it clicks.

"Oh yeah! We went to elementary together. It's been awhile."

She nods.

"It has. I wasn't sure if it was you. I saw you on the news awhile ago and I thought I recognized you. Turns out yearbooks are helpful after all."

"Yeah. So, how have you been?"

"I'm good. Just waiting around in the hospital."

"Why are you here?"

"I have a friend in here. She should be okay but I decided to stay with her to make sure. What about you? I woulda thought you'd be at the Garrison. Being a paladin of Voltron and all."

I wave a hand in the air.

"The Garrison isn't the best hospital. Besides, just because I'm a paladin doesn't mean I don't go out in public."

She nods.

"So, what are you in here for? Got a sick friend too?"

"No actually. I just had a baby."


She raises her eyebrows in question.

"Who woulda thought."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Big hot shot Lance actually settled down. You got the fame, a good job, and a family. Look at you all grown up."

I roll my eyes and offer her a friendly smile.

"Did you really think I was going to end up alone?"

"Honestly? Yes. I feel bad for the poor soul who ended up with you."


I laugh.

"I am fully capable of love. Besides, I believe that everyone has a soulmate."

"Ah. The hopeless romantic."

"The married romantic."

I say while lifting my hand up to show my wedding ring.

"Someone did accept my proposal."

She takes my hand and inspects the ring.

"Red. It suits you."

She drops it to look back up at me.

"Why red?"

"You must not pay that much attention to the news then."

"Nah. I only saw it because it was on every channel. Just new! Missing Garrison students return from space on giant ship! It was quite the cover story."

"I bet. "

"Hey, Lance-"

I turn just as Hunk walks in. He pauses and regards Kara before a smile breaks out across his face.

"Kara Lenza."

"Hunk! Wow, you're so much older now!"

"I haven't seen you in forever!"

He turns his smile over to me.

"She went to elementary with us."


"How are you Kara?"

He asks.

"I'm good. What about you?"

"Great. I just came to find Lance."

He looks back at me.

"Keith wants you. I think Rosa brought Anna to meet the new baby."

"I'll be right there."

He nods and waves goodbye to Kara before leaving. I turn to her and offer an apologetic smile.

"Duty calls."

"I recognize the name Keith."

"He's the red paladin."

Her eyes light up at that.

"You're married to him?"

"I am."

She laughs and backs away.

"Now that's a guy who can handle you."

She says before turning and walking out the door.

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