Lance Takes Care of The Kids

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(Lance's Perspective.)

"You've got this?"

"I can take care of them alone."


"Go. Have fun."

"It's dress shopping. That's not exactly the funnest thing."

"Pidge is going too. You can be bored together."

He rolls his eyes before leaning over and kissing me.



I watch as he leaves before turning to Caleo. The two year old looks back at me with curious violet eyes.

"Wanna watch TV?"

He smiles before pointing.


I nod and scoop him out of his high chair.

"Let's do it!"


"Papi, I have homework. Can you help me?"

I look at Anna as she holds out a packet.

"What class?"

"Math. Usually daddy helps me because he says he's better at that then you are."

"Does he now?"

She nods.

"He says to go to you if it's astronomy or history."

"Hm. Well then let's show him wrong."


I stare at the problem sitting in front of us and sigh.

"I think it's best that your daddy does help you with this."

Before she can respond a familiar cry rings through the house.

"Your sister is awake. Can you do the problems you know then wait for daddy to come home?"


I kiss her quickly on the top of the head before getting up and making my way into Astrid's room.

"Hi Galaxia."

When she sees me she coos and reaches up.

"Hi baby."

I lift her out of her crib and cradle her close to my chest.

"Are you hungry?"

She smiles at me and I walk back out towards the kitchen.

"Let's get you fed then."

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