Sickety Sick

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(Lance's Perspective.)

"So, what are we thinking year wise? It's almost the second semester and we need a new plan."

Iverson says while glancing around the table.

"What if we did a game day thing? Make the kids excited."

Pidge suggests.

"That would be fun."

I add in.

"Would it be an all day thing? Like a competition?"

"Probably. Whoever wins could get prizes and such."

There's suddenly a loud scrape of chair on tile as Keith stands quickly. His hand flies to his mouth and he dashes from the room leaving the door open behind him. Everyone's eyes are on the open door as it slides shut before a bunch of eyes land on me.

"What was that all about?"

"He hasn't been feeling well lately."

"Did you get it checked out?"

"No. We've talked about it but he keeps saying he's fine."

"Why don't you go check on him. We'll discuss some other things and you can get caught up later."

"Thank you sir."

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