A Shopping Trip Gone Wrong

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"Who thought this would be a good idea? Honestly, I'd like to know."

Keith says next to me. I glance at him and follow his gaze to where he's watching as Caleo toddles off down the aisle for the hundredth time, his chubby arms waving around in an effort to balance himself.

"Nobody was available to babysit. Nap time is over and they're all ready to do something."

"Grocery shopping is not the ideal thing to take three kids along with you."

"Can I have this?!"

Anna shouts, shoving a box of legos in our direction.

"I promise I'll clean them up when I'm done!"

"No. You already have plenty of toys at home."

Keith says. Our oldest looks at me hopefully and I shake my head.

"You heard the boss. No toys."

"Oh for fricks sake."

Keith mutters, avoiding using bad words in front of Anna and Astrid who's blinking sleepily around from her carrier.

"Go find Caleo. I swear I'm about to lose it."

Trusting my husbands words and the dark look in his eyes I give him a nod and walk down the aisle our son was just seen in. I turn the corner to find him sitting on the ground with a bag of marshmallows in hand. He pulls at the bag, trying and failing to open it.

"Not today little muchacho."

I say, picking him up and putting the bag back on the shelf. He pouts and I tousle his black hair.

"We already have those at home."

I remind him, walking back towards where Keith is with the cart. I find him looking over at Astrid, eyes tired but smile soft as he admires her.

"Can we get these?"

Comes Anna's persistent voice. Keith looks at her and the bag of chips in her hand.

"We have those at home, remember?"

"They're almost gone."

He sighs.

"Fine. Put them in the cart."

She smiles and throws the bag in before turning to go look for more things.

"Found him."

I say, catching Keith's attention. He looks at me and nods.

"Thank you."

There's suddenly a loud wail from Astrid and we both look over. Caleo covers his ears and hides his head in my shoulder as Keith reaches out to take Astrid out. The second she's in his arms she quiets down.

"I'm going to lose it."

Keith snaps quietly.

"She felt left out."

I shrug.

"She's the lightest. I'm holding a three year old over here."

"Can we get this too!"

Keith's gaze is deadly as he looks over at what Anna's holding. It's a box of cookies.

"You know what? Sure."

His gaze turns tired as he shakes his head.

"We're leaving. Come on Anna. I think I'm ready for a nap."

(This is it! The last piece I've written for this story of mine. It's been a long time and I really enjoyed writing this but now it's come to and end.

Thank you everyone for reading, liking and commenting!)

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