Sit Back and Relax

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(Keith's Perspective.)

"Would you like to go out on a date with me Friday night lovely sir?"

I stare flatly at Lance before rolling my eyes.


"Why the lack of enthusiasm?"

He laughs.

"My due date is in a week. I feel like crap."

"Aw, babe."

He walks behind me and wraps his arms around me. I lean back into him and sigh.

"What do you need?"

"A break."

Suddenly I feel my feet go out from under me and I yelp in surprise as I'm lifted into strong arms.

"What the hell?!"

"A break it is."

He carries me to our room and sets me down on the bed.

"What are you doing?"

"You aren't going to do anything tonight."



He replies while walking into the bathroom.

"I'm going to start a bath, make dinner, get my mama to pick up Anna, then we're going to binge watch movies."

"That's cliche."

"I'm a cliche person."

He responds.


"Okay, I got snacks and drinks. Do we need anything else?"

"I don't think so."


He sets them off to the side and settles down on the couch. I curl up against his chest and he drapes a blanket over the both of us.

"Ready to start the movie?"


I sigh.


(Lance's Perspective.)

We're only halfway through the first movie when Keith's eyes slowly drift shut and his breathing evens out. Instead of the movie my attention becomes focused on him.

It's hard to believe that I'm actually married to him. I spent years upon years crushing on the badass Garrison boy with the mullet and violet eyes. Not once did I see this as my future. I expected myself to marry some proper person who had their life figured out. I imagined having a job as a fighter pilot and I would come home to my significant other to settle down for a peaceful meal.

Instead, I'm laying here with the most amazing person in the world while our daughter is at her abuelas house. I'm an instructor at the Garrison and we're expecting our second child. I'm a paladin of Voltron and one of the most well known people in the universe.

I've always wanted fame and fortune but now that I'm here, the only thing that matters is my family. Everything comes last to them. I would risk it all if it meant they could be happy.

(Foreshadowing or not? I guess we'll see...)

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