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The plane landed and you couldn't wait to see Zach. You hadn't seen him since Christmas because that's the last time you were out of school.
You get off the plane and into the airport and instantly start looking for Zach. You didn't see him but then you look over and see him. You started running to him and when you get to him you drop your bags and give him a bear hug.
"Zachhhhhhhh" you say while still hugging him
"Aghhh I've missed you so much." He says as y'all finally stop hugging
"We have so much to catch up on." You say as y'all start walking to an Uber because he didn't have a car yet.
You called your mom and told her you made it. You and Zach talked the whole way to his house and when you got there you see all the boys standing at the door waiting for you.
"Maddieee" they all say in unison and give you a big hug at the same time
"Woah guys, y'all are gonna crush me...I can't..breathe." You say like you're suffocating
They all step back and y'all laugh
"I missed y'all so much, it's been wayyy too long."
You hadn't seen them since before school started. Y'all talked for a little bit and just caught up on some stuff.
"Woah Maddie when did you get your braces off" said Jonah as he looked super confused
"Right before Christmas." You say with a smile showing off your naked teeth
"You look amazing without your braces." Jack says
"Wait did I not look good with braces, I'm offended." You say while acting super offended
"That's not what I meant." He says and then everyone kinda laughs
"Ok Zach where am I gonna stay, do y'all have a guest bedroom or anything?" You ask as you start to pick up your bags
"Oh yeah I forgot to mention..um.. we don't really have one of those. Finding an affordable house with six bedrooms is kinda hard so we just got enough for each of us to have one." He says nervously
"Sooo you're telling me I don't have a place to sleep??!" You say as you start getting fairly mad
"Well you can either sleep on one of the couches or you can stay in a blow up mattress and if neither of those work then you're gonna have to sleep in my bed because I'm not letting you in the bed with one of these bozos." He says looking at the boys at the end
"I'll try the couch tonight and i can't do blowup mattresses, they are too loud and uncomfortable." You say disappointed
"Ok that's fine, you can put your bags in my room." He says and starts walking up to his room. You follow him and set your bags down and start to unpack a few things.
"When you get done you can come downstairs, tonight is movie and game night so we'll have pizza for dinner and then we'll play some xbox and watch a movie." Zach says and then walks downstairs
You get all unpacked and then you walk downstairs and into the kitchen where you see the boys eating pizza. Zach and Corbin were being idiots, Jonah, Daniel, and jack were all just enjoying the show.
"Hey guys....um are they okay?" You ask the boys who are watching while laughing
"Yeah they are always like this, you'll get used to it." Jonah says as he eats his last piece of pizza.
"Okay then" you say and then you get some pizza and go to the bar and sit down by Daniel
"So Dani how's it been."
"Um well same old same old, what about you."
"Well I've been working on playing the guitar and I've gotten pretty good at it an-"
"Wait you can play the guitar?! Since when" jack says cutting you off
"I've been playing for a little over a year now and I sing too sometimes." You say and laugh at jack who is sitting there with his mouth open
"Guys I think we found a new band member" he says and y'all laugh
"Who said I was good at it, I'm still pretty bad, I'll be y'all a photographer though, not to brag but I'm pretty good when it comes to taking pictures." You say and flip your hair to add effect
"Oh yeah I forgot about you being an amazing photographer, you should take a few pictures while your here" says Jonah
"Speaking of that, how long are you staying?" Asks jack
"I have to go back to school in a week so yeah but I'm coming back in the summer." You say
"That's still 2 whole months,Maddie, you can't do that." Daniel exclaims
"Sorry Daniel but school is really important, and besides I'm a senior so I'll be done after this year and I can come visit more often, even while y'all are on tour." You reassure
"You're a senior now?!? I swear you were sixteen not that long ago!" Jonah says surprised
"They grow up so fast" says Daniel as he fake cries
"Guys stop, I turn 18 in 2 months" you say while laughing
"18?!? In 2 months?!?" Corbyn says as he walks back in the kitchen out of breath from acting a fool
"Yes, me and Zach are the exact same age y'all should know this by now"
"But you're still younger!!" Zach yells from the other room
"Shut up!!!" You yell back at him
Y'all all laugh and joke around some more and then y'all go into the living room to play video games. You and Zach used to play games all the time so you weren't bad but you weren't good but you were a little better than average. Y'all went into the living room and they boys played a few rounds of fortnite and then y'all decided to have a tournament. You joined them because why not. The tournament went on and then it was between you and jack. You and him had around the same skill level. At one point he tried to sabotage you by hitting the controller out of your hand but it didn't help him much. He won by one kill and was rubbing it in your face super hard.
"Haha loserrrr" jack says and sticks his tongue out at you
"Shut up you wouldn't have won if you didn't cheat." You say rolling your eyes
"Oh really, I think someone is just jealous that they can't be as good as me"
"You're so full of yourself." You say and playfully hit him
All the guys were on Jacks side so you were really on your own. They started teaming up against you so eventually you went up to Zach's room because you had nowhere else to go. You just played on your phone because you were tired and you didn't feel like hearing a bunch of bull crap. While playing on your phone you hear a knock at the door.
"Maddie?" Says the person outside the door
"Who is it and what do you want"
"Can I come in?"
"Sure as long as you aren't planning on murdering me while you're in here." You say and let out a small laugh. The door opens and it's Jack.
"Hey Maddie I just wanted to apologize for teaming up on you down there, I know I cheated and you should have won but if it makes you feel any better, Zach just beat me." He says as he walks in and sits on the bed
"Well I guess I can forgive you" you say looking up at him
"I'm glad because it's movie time and I didn't want you to miss out on the best part." He says and smiles
"Well then let's go" you say and smile back and then you both get up and head downstairs. They had just put the movie in and were getting situated. You say down in the couch beside jack. You curled up under and blanket and then the movie came on. You watched most of it but it had been a long day and you were tired. You drifted off and fell asleep.


Falling// Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now