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The next morning you woke up around 9:00 to the smell of eggs and pancakes. You went downstairs and saw your mom and dad cooking breakfast. You then ate breakfast with your parents and Zach. While you were eating, you realized your mom didn't know about you meeting up with Alex. You decided to wait and ask Zach if they should know. Once you finished breakfast you went upstairs and went to Zach room to ask for his opinion.

"Zach should I tell mom and dad about meeting up with Alex?" You asked
"Well if they know then they probably won't want you to go, but if they know I'm going to, they won't be as worried" Zach said
"Okay, I'll go tell mom" you said and walked back downstairs

You went downstairs and your mom was cleaning up some dishes so you sat down at the bar and tried to think of how to tell her.

"Hey mom?" You said
"Yeah" she replied
"I was just gonna let you know that Alex asked to meet up at 11 at the smoothie place and Zach's going with me so I won't be alone" you said
"Oh, okay, well  be safe and don't let him do anything he's not supposed to" your mom said and you had a quick sigh of relief
"Okay, I'll be safe" you said and started walking up to your room but your mom asked you a question
"Does jack know about this?" She asked and you froze
"Well no because it's a lot to explain and Zach said we could just tell him about it when we go back" you replied
"Oh, if that's what you think you should do then I guess that's fine but I hope he doesn't get the wrong message" your mom said
"It'll be fine" you said and walked up to your room

You put on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt tucked in the front. You slid on your white vans and brushed your hair and put on some simple makeup. Once you were ready to go you went into Zach's room and he was ready to go. You checked your phone to see what time it was and it was 10:45. You and Zach quickly got into your car and you drove him to Brandon's house which was about 2 minutes from where you were going and then you drove to the smoothie shop. You walked in and ordered a smoothie and you sat down. After you sat down, Alex walked in causing you to both feel uncomfortable. After Alex ordered his drink he came and sat down at your table. There were a few seconds of awkward silence but Alex soon broke it.

"So...how've you been" Alex awkwardly asked
"Good, how about you" you replied
"Good......um...anyways, I was just wanting to talk to you because everything ended pretty bad and I just wanted to make sure that everything was good now" Alex said
"Well, at first it was really bad but I'm over it now, I have my boyfriend now and he's amazing, but sometimes the situation still comes up in my current relationship and I just sometimes wish everyone could forget about it because it was a hard time for me" you replied
"Yeah, after we stopped talking, Sadie actually didn't talk to me for a little while because she didn't trust me but we started taking things slow so we weren't rushing it all and we just started dating last month" he said
"Oh okay, me and my boyfriend started talking over spring break and we started dating not to long ago"
"Oh good....but how did I come up in your current relationship?" Alex asked
"Well my boyfriend actually cheated once on someone else but it wasn't bad and he 100% regretted ever doing it, but anyways Zach saw how much you cheating on me affected me and he wouldn't allow me or this guy to ever hang out or date because he didn't want to see me hurt like that again" you said
"Oh dang" Alex said
"Yeah, and you know I never thought you would ever do that to me and I thought you had the same feelings I did and it shocked me when you did it so now sometimes I worry that the same thing might happen with Jack even though I know for a fact that he would never cheat on me" you said and Alex realized how much it affected you
"Wow...well...I'm sorry for everything, I never really thought about it still affecting you" He said
"Yep, it does but I'm fine, life happens" you said brushing it off
"Well, who's your new boyfriend? I don't think I know him" Alex said
"Have you not seen it on Instagr- oh wait...I forgot I blocked you on everything" you said and you both laughed
"Yeah you can keep me blocked though, your boyfriend probably won't want you keeping up with your ex" he said

While you were scrolling through Instagram, you heard someone say your name. You looked up and it was a girl that looked around 14 or 15. She asked to take a picture with you and you agreed. The girl asked who Alex was and he told her his Instagram name and then she left. Once the girl left Alex just kind of laughed and you showed him some pictures of Jack and you showed him his Instagram page.

"Wait he's in a band?" Alex asked
"Yeah, you know my brother is in that band Why Don't We, Well Jack is one of Zach's band mates" you said
"Ohhh, So did you meet him through Zach?"
"Yep" you said

Y'all talked for a little while longer and then your phone started to buzz. It was Rylan calling you. You answered it and Alex sounded worried

"Maddie, have you seen Instagram??!!?!?" Rylan asked
"No, I'm with Alex right now what is it?!" You answered
"I know that's the problem, some fan took a picture of you and Alex together and posted it! Everyone thinks you and him are on a date!!" Rylan quickly said and then it hit you, the little girl that took the picture with you must have taken a picture of you and Alex when she left.
"Okay okay I'll figure it out, I have to go bye" you said and hung up

You quickly went through Instagram and looked and there were hundreds of pictures of you and Alex laughing. You looked worried and Alex realized and asked what was wrong.

"Maddie are you okay?" He asked
"No! That little girl took a picture of us laughing and posted it on Instagram and everyone thinks we're on a date and Jack's probably seen it oh my gosh, I need to go" you said
"Wait did you not tell Jack you were coming here with me??" Alex asked
"No because I was planning on telling him everything when I got home" you said
"Well, I'll let you go figure it out and if you need help, just snap me" Alex said
"Okay thanks, bye, it was nice catching Up with you" you said
"Yeah you too, bye" Alex said and you ran out the door and to your car and rushed to Brandon's house to pick up Zach.


Falling// Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now