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The next morning, you woke up and headed to school. It was just like normal. Stress, work, studying, and soccer. Jack has never called or texted you back, so you had pretty much given up on it until you got a text while in your math class.

J: Hey, can we talk?
M: I really want to but I'm in class right now, I'll call you when I get out of school

You were anxious and ready for the school day to be over so you could discuss things with Jack. At the end of the day you were walking out of last period ready to talk to Jack. You got to your car and immediately called him and started to drive home. He picked up the phone almost immediately as if he'd been waiting for your call.

"Hey Jack" you said
"Hey, Maddie, we need to talk" Jack said not sounding very happy
"Yeah, did you get my voice mail?"
"Yeah, but Zach won't really tell me anything, he just keeps telling me to talk to you"
"Oh, well, pretty much yesterday after I hung up with you, I called Zach to ask him about the situation and if he would still trust you because I felt like he was the only one I could really talk to about it even though he doesn't agree with us liking each other or dating"
"And what'd he say?" Jack asked nervously
"He said that he doesn't think you'd ever cheat on me but he just doesn't think I'm ready to date you and most of all he's not ready and I tried to tell him that him not being ready isn't a very good excuse but he refused to listen and told me to go hangout with friends, so yeah, he trusts you but he's just not ready I guess"
"Wait for real, but why doesn't he think you're ready?" Jack asked
"Well the last relationship I was in was with the guy who broke my heart, I didn't really ask him, I'm just guessing"
"Well, it's good to know that he trusts me" Jack said
"Yeah, but he also said that if he finds out we're talking, I wouldn't be happy"
"Well, we just need to keep it on the downlow for a bit longer, pretty soon we can talk face to face"
"Yeah, i miss you a lot" you said
"I miss you too"
"Well, I'm home so I better go. I'll see you in 2 and a half weeks" you said as you pulled into your drive way
"Okay, bye Maddie"
"Bye Jack" you said and hung up

You grabbed your bag and went into your house. Your mom was in the kitchen cleaning and your dad was outside in the garden. As you were walking to your room your mom stopped you.

"How was your day?" Your mom asked
"Have you talked to Jack lately?"
"Yeah I just got off the phone with him"
"Y'all are so cute, so I guess things are going well?" Your mom said
"Well last night was bumpy but it's better now, I talked to Zach and he helped me"
"Oh really, what happened"

You explained the whole Jack cheating situation and how you had to ask Zach for advice and help. You told her everything but only the main parts she needed to know because you didn't want her to tell Zach anything she wasn't supposed to.
After you finished talking, you took your bags into your room and got out your homework and started to study. You finished a little over an hour later. Your mom had finished dinner, so you went to the kitchen, ate, took a shower, and fell asleep just like you do every single day.

The next 2 weeks were full of homework, studying, and lots and lots of stress. You had finals and graduation coming up and everyone talking about college. You took pictures for several of your friends to help the business you were going to create when you got to LA. You started packing everything in your room and selling the things you didn't need so you could have some money in LA. You and Jack were trying to keep everything super low key because you didn't want Zach to find out anything. It was the last day of school so it was a half day. Everyone was celebrating and people were crying and everything. After you finished up, you went to the smoothie place with Allie and Rylan.

"So I guess this is the last time we can do this for a while" Rylan said
"Yeah, i never thought about that" Allie said
"I'm calling you everyday" you said
"Okay, and if we can't call, we can always text" Said Rylan
"Yep, I'm gonna miss you so much" Allie said
"Let's take one last group picture" You said and took a picture of y'all together. Y'all hung out for the rest of the time and then you and Allie had to go home and finish packing everything into the car.

You and Allie were leaving in the morning and you had a very long drive ahead of you. Y'all were splitting the drive into two- three days depending on how things go. You were super excited and couldn't wait. Y'all finished loading everything and you went to bed super early because you had to wake up early and you wanted to be rested. You didn't sleep very well because you were so excited to be moving to LA. The next morning you hopped out of bed and quickly got dressed. You said your goodbyes to your parents and friends. A few tears were shed but everyone knew it was for the better. You and Allie left for LA and you couldn't have been more excited. Y'all had a very long journey ahead of y'all. You slept for a little bit and you called Zach super early. It took him a while to answer but he finally did and you screamed.

"Guess what day it issss!!!" You screamed
"Maddie, I'm trying to sleep"
"But today is the big day, Zach. You have to get hype" you said and turned up the music in the car so he could hear it
"Maddie, I'm very excited for you to be moving here but please let me sleep" Zach said still sounding very sleepy
"Okay I guess I'll just call Jack and wake him up" you said causing Allie and you to snicker
"Wha- wait- no no no, what'd I tell you about that"
"I'm kidding Zach calm down"
"Oh..okay, I'm going back to sleep goodnight" Zach said and hung up

You and Allie laughed about Zach's reaction to you saying you were going to call Jack. You really didn't know what he could do now that you were going to live a few minutes away from them. You could talk to Jack whenever you wanted to, face to face, and he couldn't do anything about it. It made you so happy to be moving to LA with your favorite people ever. Most of the drive you and Allie talked about what you would do when you lived in LA and how you were going to decorate the apartment. You eventually arrives at your first hotel of the journey. You grabbed your overnight bags, checked in, and headed up to your room. You of course took a picture of the beautiful view and posted it on your Snapchat and Instagram stories. It said "1 hotel down, 1 more to go. LA here I come". After you took a shower and everything, you fell asleep on the soft, comfortable hotel beds and had the best sleep ever after a long, 8 hour trip.


Falling// Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now