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You picked up the phone to answer Zach even though you weren't happy with him at the moment

"Hello" you said in an annoyed tone
"Mads I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I just want you to know that I'm looking out for you and I'm not trying to be all controlling I just care about you" Zach said sounding very sorry
"Zach I understand but I literally had the best day ever with Jack. But Coming home from you getting all mad kind of ruined the vibe though and Zach I know you care but I need you to stop being so over the top sometimes. And yeah, I like Jack, we're gonna hold hands, you already know this." You explained
"Yeah but that means y'all are dating and I specifically said no dating until you talk to me" Zach said back
"Zach, people that like each other can hold hands without dating. I promise we'll come to you when we start dating" You said
"Who says y'all are gonna date, what if I don't agree?" Zach said
"Well too bad because I'm happy with Jack and I'm not letting you ruin that" you said back
"Alrighty well am I forgiven?" Zach said
"I guess so" you said and sighed making you both laugh
"Well Thanks for letting me explain you're the best sister everrrr" Zach said causing you to laugh
"You're welcome bubs" you said and both laughed
"I'll talk to you later, bye"
"Bye" you said and hung up.

You and Allie watched a movie and while you waited for it to start, you checked your social media. A lot of why don't we drama pages were posting things about you and Jack being together alone because y'all posted things from Santa Monica and the boys posted things from the house. You looked through some more and suddenly a picture if you and Jack holding hands popped up. One of the pages had found the picture and was sharing it. You decided to just ignore it. Eventually the movie started. Near the end you and Allie were getting tired so you went to bed. As you laid down, you got a text from Jack.

J: I had a good day with you today💞 hopefully I can see you again tomorrow
M: aww I had the best time with you💜 I might swing by tomorrow because I already miss you! I need to take pictures soon!!
J: we can take pictures tomorrow, I know some great spots
M: okay I'll text you tomorrow after I wake up and we can see
J: sounds good! goodnight princess❤️
M: goodnight😊❤️

You fell asleep a few minutes later. As you woke up, you could hear Allie I'm the kitchen making a bowl of cereal.

"Gooood morning Allie" you said scaring her
"Gooooood morning Maddie" she said still startled
"Do you have any plans today?" You asked
"Well I was thinking me and you could go around town and look for clothes and me a possible man because I'm over your brother, he's just nice eye candy" Allie said
"Ok um good but ew and yeah, we can go out but I told Jack I would text him so I'll let him know I'm hanging out with you"  you said
"Okay well we can go to this really cool place, it's like a party thing but for young people like us. There's no Alcohol or anything like that, just a fun place to dress up for and go meet people and party like a rockstar" Allie said and you laughed at the end
"Okay, well I don't really need to meet any guys so should I invite the boys and they can hang out with us?" You asked
"Yeah sure, we can go shopping for an outfit because it's better at night" Allie said
"Okay I'll text the boys and ask, and then I'll get ready" you said and grabbed a bowl of cereal

You ate your bowl of cereal and texted the boys. As you waited for a response, you went ahead and got dressed. You wore some jean shorts with a black belt and a crop top and some nike Air Force ones. You did your normal hair and makeup routine and then went to the living room and checked your phone. All the boys agreed to go and meet at 9:45. You told Allie and then y'all headed to some stores to shop for a good outfit for the night. Y'all shopped for several hours and bought several things but you still hadn't found the right outfit. You wanted something that could be sexy and comfortable at the same time. You decided to wear a black, short, tight fit dress with spaghetti straps. You bought some white heels to wear with it.

After you and Allie were done shopping, you headed back to your apartment to get ready. You did more makeup than usual but you still looked like yourself and you straightened your hair. You and Allie took a cute mirror pic and Allie posted it on her story saying "bout to be a fun night". A few people saw the story and reposted it and thought something happened between you and Jack because you were going out but not long after, Jack posted a video of the boys in the car jamming out and it said "let's gooooo". Fans knew y'all were gonna be together tonight so instagram was going crazy.

You and Allie finally arrived and met the boys inside. They were all sitting down and Daniel was talking to one girl but nothing serious. You found Jack and his eyes were already on you.

"Hey guys" you and Allie said
"Hey" they all said back
"Ummm Maddie what are you wearing?!" Zach said
"Umm clothes..what else would I be wearing?" You said sarcastically and laughed
"Zach chill out we are at a party and you gotta admit my girl Maddie looks fireeee" Allie said hyping you up and y'all laughed
"You're not wrong" Jack said just for you to hear and you smiled and blushed
"Girllll we both cute" you said back and laughed
"Let's go have some fun!" Allie said

Everyone kind of split off. Jonah and Corbyn found some people to talk to and Daniel was still talking to the same girl. Zach also found someone to talk to and Allie was mingling with a really cute guy. You and Jack went and talked for a little bit at a small table. Eventually a slow song came on and Jack gave you a look

"Wanna dance?" Jack asked
"I would love to" you replied with a smile

You and Jack walked out to the dance floor and joined the other couples who were already dancing.

"I haven't danced with anyone in a while, I'm kind of rusty" Jack said
"Yeah me too" you said and both laughed

You put your hands on Jacks shoulders and he gently places his hands on your hips and you swayed back and forth eventually finding rhythm. You did a little spin causing you and Jack to both laugh. When you came back in, Jack pulled you closer and you laid your head on his shoulder.

"I wish I could stay here forever" Jack said
"Me too" you replied

The song was  nearing the end and you looked at Jack. He was leaning in for a kiss but before he got to you, you stopped him.

"What about Zach, he's probably watching" you said
"You're right, I'm gonna ask him pretty soon. I can't stand not being able to pretty much be your boyfriend when others are around" Jack said
"Yeah. But hey, I'll let you have that kiss later when nobody's watching" you said and smiled causing Jack to smile back

The song ended and you hugged Jack. Y'all went and found Jonah and Corbyn who were now accompanied by Daniel.


Falling// Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now