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A little while later, Jon called you and he said he was coming to pick you up. You and Allie were passed ready to leave the room, but you knew you had to avoid people so you don't ruin the surprise. Eventually you made it to the small booth. It was just you, and Allie.

"I'll come back and get y'all before the boys go off stage so you can be there to surprise him." Jon said
"Okay, thank you so much for letting us get these spots and for letting me do this. This is amazing" you replied
"No problem, anything for my boys" Jon said and left

There was a perfect view of the boys performance and it was amazing. You were smiling from ear to ear. You've never seen Jack perform live before as your boyfriend and it was the best feeling. Of course you had seen him perform when you came to watch Zach, but you really only payed attention to Zach and nobody else. You hadn't seen Jack in so long so being able to come here was not only a treat for him but a treat for you too. You and Allie sang along to all the songs and you took tons of videos. The concert felt like it went by so fast and you wished you could stay there forever. Eventually the concert was coming to a close and the boys were about to okay the last song of the night. Jon came into the small booth you and Allie were in and brought you back to the boys green room.

"So how was the concert?" Jon asked you and Allie
"The best thing in the world" you replied
"That was the most fun I've had in a while. I lover concerts so much" Allie said and you agreed
"Well I'm glad to hear that," Jon said
"I have Zac Caspary coming in and videoing Jack and the boys' reaction to you being here. I feel like it'll be a pretty good shot." Jon told you
"Okay sounds good to me" you said and smiled

Jon had to run and go get the boys from the stage and Zac came in and set up and was recording so he would always be prepared for when they came. Zac usually went straight to the green room after shows so nothing would be suspicious to the boys. A few minutes later, you heard the boys talking. It got louder and louder as they got closer. Your heart was racing waiting on the door knob to twist. The door then opened the and boys walked in. All you did was stay sitting on the couch until they noticed you. First was Jonah and Daniel. They saw you immediately but you quickly told them to be quiet until Jack walked in. Jack was right behind them. Him and Corbyn and Zach walked in and Jack and Zach immediately saw you.

"oh my gosh, Maddie!!!" Jack said and ran up to you with the biggest smile, He gave you a giant hug and picked you up.
"Aghhhh I missed you sooo muchhh" he said and then put you down and gave you a kiss.
"I missed you too" you said and smiled and gave him another kiss
"Y'all are so cute!" Allie said And you and Jack smiled
"Can i please hug my sister now" Zach said to Jack and everyone laughed
"Oh yeah, sorry" Jack said and moved so Zach could hug you
Once he got to you he gave you a bear hug.
"I missed youuuu" Zach said
"I missed you tooooo" you replied and Zach let go
"Okay I knowww you aren't about to leave us without a hug, so get over here" Daniel said and you laughed

After you finished hugging everyone, you took some pictures. All the boys got a picture of you and posted it to their story to show the fans that you surprised them. Y'all then talked about everything that had happened since they left. You told them all about your meetings with Luke and you recording songs which they were super happy about.

"I can't believe you're actually making music to put out there for everyone now" Jonah said
"Yeah it feels like yesterday when I was here on spring break singing in yalls music room with y'all" you said
"I'm so proud of you" Jack said
"Me too, who knew mom was gonna have famous singing twins" Zach said
"Yeah, except I'm not really famous, just well known" you said
"Okay well you're definitely on the path to be famous. Once you release your first song you're gonna blow up" Corbyn said and everyone agreed
"Yeah, I guess I'm not really opposed to being famous. I can't wait for everyone to see what I have in store for them because I've already spent so much time on this stuff" you said
"Yeah that's how we all felt in the beginning" Daniel said
"That feels like it was a whole other life" Jack said and everyone agreed and started to zone out thinking about the past until there was a knock at the door and Jon walked in.
"Okay guys, we're gonna pack up the stuff here but y'all can go ahead and go back to the hotel or do whatever. Y'all did good tonight" Jon said and walked out
"Well, what're we waiting on? I'm about to have the best sleep" Daniel said and everyone agreed.

Everybody got what they had and got into a van which took y'all to the hotel. From there everyone scattered into their rooms. Allie had her friend pick her up so now it was just you and Jack. You went up to the bedroom and he immediately changed out of his clothes and put on an old pair of basketball shorts and no shirt. He got into the bed and waited on you to join him. You changed into your PJs and then got into the bed and cuddled up beside Jack. You hadn't felt his warmth in so long and it felt so good to have it back for a little bit. You gave Jack a kiss and then watched a movie. By the end of it, you were starting to drift off to sleep and so was Jack. He turned the TV off, gave you a kiss on the forehead and snuggled up closer to you.

"Goodnight gorgeous" he said and then you both fell asleep in each other's arms.


Falling// Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now