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You got to your apartment and walked in and Allie was sitting on the couch. You took your shoes off and sat down beside her.

"So why did you want the girls to come over?" Allie questioned
"Well I talked to Jack and Zach about everything and they made me more confused so I decided to just wing it. As long as I'm happy and doing what I love, then nothing else matters" you said
"Well That sounds like a good plan but what do the girls have to do with that?" She asked
"Well if they decide to record a song and become famous, I could be their opening act. I want to start slow and do local things because I think if I just blew up, I would have a breakdown" you said
"Oh yeah, I see what you mean" Allie said
"Soooo since the girls are coming, we should probably pick up a few things around here" you said and looked around the apartment

Y'all were pretty neat people but sometimes, things got on the messier side. You cleaned the few dishes you had in the sink, and put everything where it was supposed to be. You took all of your things to your room, and finally you were finished. It took you quite a while even though it wasn't much, because you weren't in a hurry. It was 5:00, so you went into your room to change out of your mental breakdown clothes. You changed into a casual t shirt and some blue jean shorts. You brushed out your hair and added a very little bit of makeup and then you were done. You checked the time and it was 5:15. The girls would be getting there in 15 minutes, so you just went into the living room and watched TV. After 15 minutes passed, you heard a knock on the door. You knew who it was so, you got up and opened it to be greeted by Sarah, Evie, Mya, and Olivia. You welcomed them in and you all sat down in the living room and Allie joined y'all also.

"Okay so what's up? What'd you need to talk about" Evie asked
"Well it's about that Luke Smith guy, I've been stressing about his offer ever since he made it" you said
"What's there to stress about? It's a great offer" Sarah said
"Well yeah but I was worried about doing it and becoming something and having to go on tours and leave behind Jack and the guys" you said
"Ohhh I see" Olivia said and you nodded
"Yeah, but I talked to Jack and Zach this morning and they helped me but they also didn't do much. They told me to do whatever I think will make me happy so right now I'm just winging it" you said
"That sounds like a good plan but why'd you need us?" Mya asked
"Oh yeah, so you guys were interested in going and recording a song right?" You asked and they all nodded
"Okay well, if y'all ever do any shows I was thinking about being the opening act if you guys were okay with that. I don't really think I'm ready to be the main act and just being and opener would keep me small" you said
"That would be awesome" Mya said
"Yeah, we would totally love that" Olivia added
"Of course" Sarah added
"That would be the best thing ever" Evie said
"So when are y'all going to record?" You asked
"We called today and he said we could come next Tuesday" Olivia said
"Okay I'll call and see if I can come with y'all and maybe he can get someone to write a song for me to sing" you said and they all agreed

You were happy that you finally made a decision but you were still stressed about what could happen. The rest of the night you and the girls just hung out. The girls ended up leaving at around 9:45. After they left you and Allie just watched Netflix. You also FaceTimed Jack and told him about you calling Luke tomorrow to see if you could go with the girls next Tuesday. He thought it was a great idea and was all in. Although you were happy, you were also scared of the unknown future. You went to sleep thinking about every possible thing that could happen after you meet with Luke next Tuesday.

☆Next morning☆

When you woke up, you saw that you had a text from Jack. When you opened it to read it, it was a long paragraph.

J: Good morning Love❤️, I just wanted to let you know that no matter what happens with you and your amazing singing career, nothing can stop me from loving you. You have nothing to worry about, I will always be here for you through anything and everything. I know you have been stressing out over all of this for the past few days sooo I wanna spoil you. I'm picking you up tonight at 7:00. I'm not sure where we're going after the date but that's for us to decide later😏 Anyways, I'll see you at 7:00! Make sure to wear something fancy (maybe a dress if you want, surprise me😉) I love you so so so so so so so so soooooooooo much and I can't wait to see you 🥰🥰😘😘

You read the text and it instantly brought a smile to your face. You were so in love with this boy and it made you feel so incredibly happy to be able to have him to yourself. You sent Jack a reply and then went to the kitchen. You decided to make some eggs and biscuits. While you were cooking the eggs, Allie came into the kitchen. She helped you with cooking and soon your breakfast was ready.

"Allie you won't believe what I woke up to" you said
"What??" She replied
"Jack sent me a text, but it was a while paragraph and he's taking me on a date tonight at 7 and i need to dress up" you said
"Can I read it??" She asked

You handed her your phone and she read through it and handed your phone back.

"That is the sweetest thing ever" she said
"I know right, I couldn't stop smiling" you replied with a smile
"Well do we need to buy you a dress, or do you have one?" She asked
"Wellll I never really wear dresses sooo we need to go buy one" you said and laughed

You finished up your breakfast and put your dishes in the sink. You didn't have anywhere to be until 7:00 and it was only 9:45am. You washed the dishes and watched Tv. You then finally decided to go ahead and go shopping to find a dress. You already had a shower so all you needed was an outfit to go shopping in. You went to your closet and opened it up to find your outfit


Falling// Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now