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"Well, what the fuck do you want from me?"

Alyssa paced around her apartment as she felt the two figures eyes on the couch bore into her. Tears clouded her vision as her mind was bombarded by endless questions.

Just moments ago she had learned that her boyfriend of five years had been sleeping with her best friend behind her back for months. She had noticed something was clearly off when it came to the two, but chose to ignore it as they were the two who she trusted most in the world.

She wasn't entirely ignorant of what she witnessed or heard though. She questioned them both about it in the past, only for them both to deny it. He would remind her that he fell in love with her all those years ago and that he wanted a future with her. She would remind her that they were only close because of her and that no matter what they simply didn't look at each other in that way.

Well now? She was just stood in the middle of the room that suddenly felt as if it were closing in on her, questioning where she went wrong.

They made her feel as if she were crazy for thinking something was going on between them. While she wasn't entirely surprised, it didn't cause her heart to shatter any less.

"I know this is a lot to ask, but what I want is for us to move on from this. I'm sorry I cheated, but things have gotten worse and worse between us for months. I loved you, but I just couldn't stand being around you a lot of the time. That's when all this started," Her boyfriend, Josh, explained as he motioned to her best friend, Kimmy, who just looked as if all she wanted was to sink into the couch only to never to reappear. "We're aware that what we did was wrong, but all it did was prove to me how much you truly mean to me. I know that it's probably very difficult for you to understand at the moment, but I really do love you. Ever since the day I asked you to be mine, I knew I wanted to spend my life with you. But as time went on, things between us got worse and worse. I was in doubt that I wanted you for much longer. At the end of the day though, there's nobody else in this world that compares to you. You're perfect for me, and I realize that now."

I choke back my tears as I respond, "It took you sleeping with someone else for you to come to that conclusion?" Not just somebody else, someone who I considered to be my sister, someone who knew every single little thing about me and played a very large part in my life for, well, most of it.

"As I said, I know it's probably really difficult to comprehend right now, but yeah," Josh sighed, "My mind may not have been in the right place, but my heart was. I still love you, very much. I didn't realize to the extent until very recently though."

Beyond frustrated, I ran my sweaty hands throughout my hair. It was getting very difficult to speak seeing as my body just wouldn't stop shaking or the tears just wouldn't stop coming.

I plopped down on one of the chairs adjacent to the couch and motioned to Kimmy, just barely getting the words past my tongue, "And just what do you have to say for yourself?"

She stared down at her knees and went "I'm sorry," which was barely audible. She was clearly ashamed of what she had done, I could tell that much, but it's not like that meant anything at this point.

I shook my head as I let out a long, painful breath and buried my head into my hands as I continued to sob. I didn't even know why I continued to question the two, nothing was going to change at this point. Nothing they could say or do would repair my shattered heart. It was over.

And the worst part? I still loved them both. They would always both still have a place in my heart, no matter what. They taught me to trust, to love. But now? I knew what I had to do.

I had no choice but to move on, leave the people who I loved most in this world. And no matter how badly they fucked up, it didn't make it any easier.

After a few more moments of sitting with my face buried into my hands, I gradually wiped my tears away. It was time to grow up and move on. To spend time on people who did deserve me and my attention. Not these two, not anymore.

I got up out of my chair, feeling dizzy and dazed as if the sudden movement was a difficult and draining task at the moment. Out of the corner of my eyes, I noticed them watching me, trying to see what I would do next, but I just gave them one last glance as I spun around to walk to the door.

"Wait, please, there has to be a way to work this whole thing out." It was Kimmy who spoke this time, while Josh just looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Are you delusional?" I spun around once more, letting them get a glimpse of the frustration and anger I felt towards the situation. "If you really think there's a shot in hell that we could just move on from this," I turn to Josh as I say the last part, then turning my head back to Kimmy, "then you're delusional, plain and simple. My heart is completely shattered, and that's because of you two and the decisions you both chose to make. The time for thinking about me and how I feel was then, not now. It's far too late for apologies or excuses to try to justify what you did because at the end of the day it's simply immoral."

I sigh as I let your eyes dart between them one last time, "No one ever deserves to feel as if they're not enough. I'm sincerely disappointed in the both of you, you were like family to me. But now? The three of us will never be family ever again. You two caused that, caused me to leave and question every little thing about myself. The one thing that I'm sure of though, is that unlike the two of you, I don't regret a single thing. Because I deserve better than this. And I'm gonna make sure I achieve that sooner or later. But I'm not going to find anything better here, so this is my farewell. Don't ever contact me again, because you won't get a response. I don't want to associate myself with people who will only disappoint me or cause me unnecessary pain anymore, I should've done this long ago, but I didn't. I just trusted the both of you too much, and look at where it's gotten us."

Josh and Kimmy just stared at me as I stood in front of them, defeated.


"We're through here."

I turned to the door and walked out into the front yard, allowing myself to breathe for the first time in what felt like days. While I didn't feel any better, for the first time in my life I was making a major change.

This should've made me proud, but it didn't. In fact, it was difficult to feel anything at this point.

I made my way towards my car with my legs feeling as if they were made of play dough.

Sitting down in the driver's seat, I allowed myself to just sit there and grip the wheel for a few moments.

I just lost the two people who I devoted my entire life to.

So, what now?

————————END OF PROLOGUE———————

Hello readers, welcome to my first book! Writing and reading have always been a hobby of mine, so I finally pushed myself to go ahead and actually post something online.

If you couldn't already tell, I don't really know what I'm doing just yet, therefore I don't exactly know where this story will go. So please just bear with me while I try to map everything out as I continue to write it.

This whole thing will be a work in progress for me, and not only a journey for y'all, but for me as well as I try to figure out just what I'm doing with this book.

Thank you for reading, and don't forget to follow, vote, and comment if you enjoyed it!

Also, my messages will always be open to anyone who wishes to chat about anything at all really. I'm always open to making new friends, or even just helping people out with their current struggles/issues.

I can't wait to embark on this little journey with all of you, see you in the next chapter!

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