/Chapter Sixteen/ Let's Start Over

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I can't believe this bitch almost just whacked me.

I shook my head as I awaited Alyssa's arrival yet again.

Yeah, probably wasn't the smartest move on my part to sit outside of her house at night waiting to see her car to pull up like some fucking creep, but the original plan went to shit so I didn't have much of a choice.


Alright. It's showtime...

I thought to myself as I fished my keys out of my pocket as started towards the door, mentally preparing what I'd say to Alyssa when I got to her place.

"Good morning, Eric. I need to talk to you again." Said Ryan as he strolled into the kitchen.

I turned around to face him, "What's up, boss?"

"I already bought all the tickets for PAX. Why was I just notified that you bought another one? I assume you were too fucked up from yesterday evening to remember they're already covered?"

"Oh, yeah. I meant to tell you about that when I saw you next. That ticket isn't for me, it's for Alyssa. I figured I might try and see if she wants to come with. It also would be a pretty good excuse for her to meet all of you." I scratched the back of my neck as I felt a tad embarrassed.

I didn't even know if PAX was her kind of scene. If it was though, it'd be a damn good way to try and make things right with her. All the tickets had already sold out and I'd spent a good portion of my morning contacting some friends with the hope that they were able to get me ahold of just one more. Three calls later I finally had some stroke of luck, however, he overcharged me. So, I really hope Alyssa will accept it, for the sake of my wallet at least.

Ryan raised his eyebrows at me and held his hands up, "Whoa there buddy. That's a big step. You sure you wanna do that?"

"Yeah, it is. But I really want to get back on her good side. I just really hope she's heard of PAX or at least enjoys video games or else all the money I spent while chasing down her ticket will be for nothing."

"You and me both. But you do realize that means you're gonna have to tell her who you are right? She'll be pretty weirded out if when we get there you just slip on a helmet out the blue and we're automatically escorted to the Creators Longue."

I froze. How could I not have remembered that the helmet wouldn't conceal my identity from her like everyone else I've met?

"I have to tell her who I am when I see her..." I breathed out while Ryan just looked at me like he was trying not to laugh due to my sudden realization.

"That'd likely make things a lot less confusing on her end when you bring her to an event you'll basically be getting your cock sucked 24/7 at by fans." He explained sarcastically.

I sighed, "Well, it looks like it's time to put my big boy pants on and see just how much more I can piss her off this week."

"So, how are you gonna go about telling her? And I really do hope that we'll get to meet her before she comes with us."

"You will. I just, fuck," I leaned back on the counter as I continued, "Really have to figure out how I'm gonna address this first, like yesterday."

"Tell you what, when the rest of the guys wake up we'll all try and figure out some big-semi-gay gesture you can introduce to her whenever it is you see her today."

"That'd be really great, thanks, man. We just maybe won't wait up for Mason if he's not awake by the time the other guys are. He'd probably just tell me to fuck her and call it a day. I wonder if in that scenario he'd even have me bring up my main reason for visiting."

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