/Chapter One/ Coffee

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Two weeks later...

I sunk down into my chair as I watched everyone go about their day in the busy coffee place.

Everyone seemed so, okay to say the least. Even though it'd only been approximately two weeks, it was difficult remembering what feeling okay felt like.

I knew what I did was for the best, but it unfortunately didn't make anything the slightest easier.

Placing my laptop on the table, I opened it as I took a sip of your coffee.

Time to get back to reality.

I scrolled through my Facebook page, only to eventually stumble upon Josh's newest post: "I'm so blessed to have found the love of my life. You're my everything and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you, Kimmy."

What. The. Fuck.

It doesn't make a difference, it doesn't matter now, but at the same time, it changes damn near everything.

Did he love her the whole time? Even after what he had to say two weeks ago? Were either of them even truly sorry?

In my haze, I went to go reach for my coffee only to knock it over the side of the table onto the floor splattering some on my pant leg.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed due to the surprise and embarrassment that began to consume me.

"Hey, it's alright. Shit happens, right?"

I looked up at the figure above me, who held a handful of napkins out towards me, "I can grab more if you need, but you might wanna wipe off those pants, they're pretty much drenched."

"Oh, shit, thank you," I huffed as I began to vigorously attempt to wipe the coffee off of my now coffee brown, blue jeans.

As I tried to clean myself off, I noticed him come back and position himself in front of me with yet another handful of napkins to attempt to get some of the coffee off of the floor.

Looking around, I noticed that no one was staring, while they probably were before due to my sudden outburst. Except for one barista at least, she was looking over at the two of you with a scowl on her face, but the fuck was her problem? Random dude and I had it handled.

I sighed as you made one last attempt to dry myself off, and then chucked the wad of damp napkins onto the table.

Then, I turned to the man that so kindly came to my rescue.

"I'm sorry about this," I sighed for what felt like the thousandth time today, "I can be so clumsy sometimes but thank you for helping me out, I really needed it."

"Like I said, shit happens," He goes as he continued to clean my coffee off of the floor, then starts smiling up at me, "Although I can't say most people cause the scene that you just did with their clumsiness, but luckily that's how I noticed straight away that you needed help." 

I began to smile in response to the light jab, "My hero," His eyes sparkled up at me, if I didn't feel as if my heart was drowning every second of the day, I might have even called him hot. He was brunette, with deep brown eyes that any woman would want to stare into for hours on end. The man also had a beard that only complimented his warming smile. Even if I was struggling to feel at the moment, I knew one thing: this guy was rather attractive, and his caring/comedic personality only complimented this.

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