/Chapter Seven/ The Morning

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My eyes blinked rapidly as the sunlight crept through the blinds, and brought my arms up to stretch in attempt to rid myself of the drowsiness I felt... only, I couldn't.

"Hey, hey, easy. We're a little bit tangled here, sweetheart."

I flinched as my eyes opened up completely only for me to realize the predicament I was currently in.

I was currently in bed with some dude, not just any dude though, Eric Vivian Matthews.

Who just softly smiled at me as he attempted to untangle both of our legs. Bringing myself back to reality, I began to move myself.

"Sorry, about that." He apologized when we both were free, leaning his head on his palm as he lay next to me, "I've been up for quite a while now but didn't want to wake you," smiling softly he continues, "You looked adorable by the way."

I nervously smiled back as you shifted onto my side to face him, "Thanks. Why were you unable to get more sleep though? I'd like to think that my bed is pretty comfortable."

He awkwardly looked down at the comforter as he answered, "I'm usually up for a while due to work. I'm not used to getting too much sleep, therefore a lot of the time it just never happens. Unless I'm truly exhausted that is. It's a blessing and a curse." He smiles as he says the last part.

"Huh, I didn't realize plumbing could be such a trying or draining job." I say as I actually stretch this time, "Maybe I'll ask you more about it on our next date."

"Sounds like a plan." He goes as he places his hand on my abdomen, "Falling asleep for the time I was able to with you in my arms though was really nice. Honesty, even if it wasn't much, it most definitely was the best sleep I've gotten in a while. So, you know, thanks."

I smile at him, "It was my pleasure. I slept really well too. Thousand times better than I have been since I moved here," I catch myself slipping,

Don't tell him about how miserable you are, dumbass.

"Since you know, a completely new environment and everything. I'm not used to any of this at all, and even after two weeks of being here I still feel partially jet-lagged if I'm completely honest with you."

He moves his hand up to touch my cheek, "I'm glad to have been of assistance, it's nice to know that we can both help each other without even knowing it really."

You've helped me a hell of a lot more in a less than twenty-four hour period than most people who have been a part of my life for countless years.

Still a bit foggy from sleep, I lightly touch his chin and gently touch my lips to his, "I wish I could repay you somehow. You've helped me so much more than you'll ever know."

Pecking my lips, he responds: "You too." He brings his hand to my cheek and looks at me in the eyes "You have no idea how beautiful you look right now."

He brings his lips to mine once again, only kissing me a bit more roughly this time around. The only thing audible right now was his labored breaths as he began to lick my bottom lip with his tongue.

Bringing my hands to his matted hair, he crawled on top of me as I opened my mouth to begin to kiss him with tongue. He complied as well, running his hands slowly down my sides as he kissed me just as intensely.

I can hardly remember the last time I felt this way, consumed by the need for another human being. To want to give myself completely to someone, to be owned by someone, to fall in love again.

What the fuck?

As I began to open my eyes due to the shock I felt due to my own thought process, he pulled away.

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