Author's Note

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Hello everyone! I just wanted to give you guys a formal thank you as well as a quick explanation as to why I haven't updated this story in so long.

First off, I promise you I'm not lazy! While I haven't been updating my stories, I can assure you I've been active on this app almost daily since the las chapter. In fact, I have been working on the latest chapter, except, I don't know exactly where I'm going with it.

Just a few days ago, I spent about an hour constructing the introduction of the upcoming chapter, but just ended up scrapping it because it was way too confusing. Not even I understood it, so I'm writing it from scratch.

Unfortunately, I don't really know how to go about the next chapter because it has been beyond hard to write for whatever reason.

I promise you guys, I'm not making excuses, just going through quite a bit of writer's block at the moment. I have ideas as to what's to come down the line, I'm just at a loss as to what to do right now.

I just figured I owed you guys some sort of an explanation because I haven't followed my upload schedule at all, and this was why.

I love this book as well as writing it, I'm just a bit confused for the time being. I hate uploading when I feel like a chapter is shit, because all thirty of them came straight from the heart and normally take hours to write. I could have uploaded the chapter I mentioned scrapping, but it just feels so wrong because not even I knew what the hell I was writing.

That being said, I'm going to continue trying to gain some sort of direction when writing it, because I really do want to continue on this journey with you guys as soon as I can!

Thank you so much for your patience. I know it's been a long while, but I promise the wait will be worth it!

And speaking of thank-yous, while I've continued to spend time on this app, I noticed that Moving On became #1 on #SwaggerSouls which is honestly fucking insane. I almost cried after I found out because I can't believe how popular my book has become!

On top of that, it's almost at 10,000 reads which is also absolutely amazing, especially when I haven't been as active as I should be. I'm beyond grateful for you guys because I don't know where I'd be without my little hobby of writing and I'm so happy I've finally gotten the opportunity to share it with the world. I never would've thought that it'd be this life-changing. I'm so grateful for the friends I have made from this experience as well as the people I've met. I feel so unworthy of all of this attention, but am so thankful for it everyday.

In conclusion, I'm sorry for my absence and you guys are beyond amazing. I look forwards to talking to you all again soon. I promise it won't be long now - Your friend, Bubbles

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