/Chapter Seventeen/ Welcome to my World (Part One)

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I began to shake in my seat as I realized that the rocks being crushed under the car likely meant we were arriving at Eric's house.

"Are you sure about this? I mean, this kind of seems like a big step after just asking me to start over. We could just continue to go on a few more dates before you take me to meet your friends."

"Hush. There's no need to get this afraid of meeting my roommates; it's not like you're meeting my parents," He shifted in his seat just enough to give my shoulder a little squeeze, "There's nothing to be afraid of. Nothing at all. I promise, they'll love you."

I blew out a long breath, "Whatever you say."

He gave me a small smile before turning off the ignition and exiting the car. I did the same and placed my feet on the ground, after standing up I allowed myself to take in the gorgeous sight before me: Alright, so I knew Eric said him and his friends co-owned their own company together, but, how big could a plumbing company get?

This house could house at least five people and looked to be one of the most expensive places I've ever stepped foot on.

"Yeah, I know." Eric positioned himself beside me, clearly picking up on my obvious gaping.

"So... do you do parties?"

"A few," He laughed, "We also normally do holidays here since it's typically really difficult for us to see our families the day-of due to work and how many others have that same intention. I don't know about you, but I love hosting, especially in a place as beautiful as this."

"You could say that again. When you said your friend owned a plumbing company, I really didn't think much of it. Like I assumed you guys probably made a good amount of money, but you didn't tell me it was this big," I replied, still trying to comprehend the sight before my eyes.

I swear, he grimaced for a split second before reverting back to the same smile he wore before, "What can I say, I'm a humble guy." He winked, while I just playfully rolled my eyes at him, "Ready to go inside?"

"Let's go," I returned his smile as he took my hand and led me into the ginormous, white manor.

---Swagger's POV---

They better not fuck this up...

Was all I could think to myself as I guided her inside. My chest felt as if it were being crushed with my anxieties. Based on how sketchy I'd already been with her, something tells me she wouldn't take me lying to her about my occupation very well. Which is why this night had to be nothing short of perfect for her.

"Hi honey's, we're home!" I called out as Alyssa and I made our way into the living room.

A series of greetings went up as I could clearly see six figures laid out on the couch: Toby, Ryan, Cam, Ezra, Jay, and Matt.

"Guys, I'd like you all to meet the lovely Alyssa. She's the girl I've been telling you all about the past few days and I have a feeling you're gonna see her around here a lot more often," I flashed her a smile as I said the last part, while she returned me a nervous smile, "So you might as well introduce yourselves and get to know her a little bit better."

Cam jumped up off of the couch first and eagerly shook Alyssa's hand, "Hey there, my name's Cameron but everyone just calls me Cam. I've heard bits and pieces about you so far but can't wait to get to know you as time goes on. Also, if you want to go on a date with a guy who's not the same height as you, just remember I don't live too far from here."

"Yeah, ha, ha." I said unenthusiastically as Alyssa just laughed in response to his insult, "It's a sweet offer and all, but after playing through Slender I'm gonna have to pass on it. Sorry. I just don't want to have to relive those 2009 nightmares, I'm sure you understand."

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