/Chapter Twelve/ Home is Where the Heart is

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"Ooohhhh, Swagger got in troubleeeee," Mason sung out in an annoyingly obnoxious voice as I entered the living room.

Him, Cam, and ironically enough, Bianca were all sprawled out on the couch while music played from the TV in front of them.

"We heard you'd lost your head a little bit on Ryan, and figured we should be here just in case you were to get fired. I, of course, wanted to be the one to break the news, since you know, I'm practically your best friend." Cam glowed at me as I moved to stand in front of the three of them.

"Yeah, well my best friend is trying to get clout off of the possibility of me losing my job." I scoffed.

"And I know you'd do the same for me, buddy!" He chirped.

"I mean, yeah, probably. Imagine the views that sorta news would get you. Keemstar would practically bust a nut at the sight of that thumbnail." I responded.

"That's the spirit!" Cam did a fist pump in response to my banter.

"Oh shut up already, you two," Bianca laughed as she hauled herself up from the couch before pulling me into an embrace, "I've missed you, Eric. It's been a while since we've last seen each other. You never even told me when we're going on our next VR date."

I smiled, hugging her tightly before pulling away to talk to her, "I've missed you too. And soon for sure. Now that I'm not getting fired, I definitely need some kind of other clickbait to thrive on."

"Same!" Cam and Mason exclaimed in unison from behind us.

Bianca scoffed as she continued to smile, "I like it how you two have been joking this whole time about Eric getting fired, but if it ever were to happen you likely wouldn't even be able to get the video out addressing that due to the complete, utter, devastation you'd feel because of it."

"I'm not heartless, Bee. I never said I wouldn't be devastated if it did actually happen. But I'd be getting views and because of those views, I'd be making money. And of course, I'd be more than willing to share some of my wealth with Eric when he's apartment hunting." Fitz explained.

"Man, fuck you!" I started to crack up, "First of all, if there is ever a situation where I do get kicked out, I'll be talking about it myself on my channel. I might be homeless, but I'll still be increasing my following in the process."

Mason adjusted his position on the couch, patting the couch for me to sit next to him before adding his own input to the conversation, "He's right, man. It's not your place. He'll really need that money. I'll even go the extra mile and make the man a Patreon," He looked me straight in the eyes as he continued, "But you have to promise me you'll actually spend it on living space, not weed."

I held his stare for a few more seconds without saying anything, before giving him a slap in the face.

"Fuck you, Mason."

"Whoa!" Zuckles held his hands up in surrender as he jokingly pointed an accusing finger at me, "Did you guys see that shit?"

Bianca and Cam exchanged a blank look from next to us, Fitz just shrugged while Bee denied even seeing anything.

"Well fuck you guys too then." Mason laughed.

Mason was definitely the most erratic one of our little group for starters. He also wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but we all valued him the same as everyone else. We just obviously didn't value what he had to say as much as the next guy.

Still, though, brains or not, Zuckles was a great dude with an even greater heart. He's a hard worker, and the friend you hang out with when you really need to unwind.

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