/Chapter Twenty-Three/ Let's Dance, Bitch

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"Holy shit, this place is insane!"

I gaped at my surroundings as the rest of the group shuffled around me. Well, Yelp wasn't kidding when I referred to this place as the most popular nightclub in Melbourne. You could barely move without stepping on someone and the strobe lights were obnoxiously bright.

"Yeah, I know!" Matt shouted over the sea of people as well as the music, and pointed to the left, "Head that way, we're in VIP."

Following alongside the rest of our group, I glanced behind my shoulder one last time before continuing on, where the hell is Eric and Cam?

We eventually made it to the top area, which was a room reserved just for our group. Sighing in relief, I took a seat on one of the couches with Ana, Brodie, and Bianca. Brodie smiled at me as I looked at her with a tired expression, "Is it always like this?"

"You'll get used to it soon enough," She patted my knee, "Especially if you and Eric are truly a package; the boys love it here."

I smiled in response to her statement, "God, I hope so. This is even more overwhelming than PAX. And to answer your question, Eric and I aren't exactly a package, not yet at least. I honestly don't really know what you'd call us."

Bianca smiled at me in response to this, "Oh, I know that feeling."

I just continued to smile, not really knowing what to say to that, not really the same situation, but alright then.

"Hi there, I'm Christine, anything you gals would like to drink?" A young blonde waitress interrupted the exchange to my relief.

We all placed our orders as Eric and Cam stumbled into the room, out of breath, "Hey, sorry we're a little late." Cam apologized as Eric moved to sit beside me.

"How is that even possible?" Ryan asked them the question we were all wondering, "We all arrived here in the same limo at the same time."

"We were just talking about some of the crazed fans we had the pleasure of dealing with tonight," Eric said from beside me since Ryan was next to him he leaned into his ear and said something only for him to hear, while Eric responded at his normal volume, "No, guy. The complete opposite actually."

Ryan's brow furrowed, but he didn't question either of them further probably thinking the better of it.

Bee called out to me just as they concluded their exchange and I turned to look at her, "You dance?"

"A little," I replied, "I can't say I'm the best dancer the world's ever seen, but I'd like to think I'm pretty good."

"Perfect! The three of us were about to head onto the dance floor. Care to join us?"

I smiled at her, "I'd like nothing more," I turned towards Eric to tell him what was going on but based on his expression, I think he already heard.

He looked taken aback at Bee and I's exchange for whatever reason, "So, you two have met?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't we have?" Bee gave him a bit of an attitude in response to his remark, "I still can't believe you refused to mention me, so much for being your best friend."

The waitress came back with our drink orders and placed everything on the table as Eric's expression remained uncertain, "Sorry. I guess you just slipped my mind." His tone hinted at a drop of sarcasm.

"Look..." I cut in, not wanting to endure this awkward tension any longer, "Bee told me about you two already. And I told her that I didn't want any trouble. If there's something still going on between the two of you, just tell me and I'll be on my way."

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