/Chapter Two/ Impulses

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Gripping the strap of my bag, I made my way down the busy sidewalk as the city folk bustled around me.

I had always had the urge to move to somewhere a little more "happening" per se, but never really had the guts to do it. Josh and I had discussed it briefly in the past, only for him to dismiss the topic almost immediately: "What's the point of moving? Everything we've ever known is here, to leave it all behind would practically be selfish, just think about our friends and families. They would be offended even just hearing you suggest leaving them."

I mean, he wasn't wrong, I had left everything behind. Literally everything, including my own family. But after my life was completely altered in a matter of minutes, I suddenly didn't feel so guilty about the idea anymore.

My parents understood, cursing Josh and Kimmy for their actions, quite literally actually. My dad had even threatened to take one of my old baseball bats to Josh's car.

I had gotten a good laugh out of it but told him it was unnecessary. Sure, Josh deserved it without a doubt, but at the same time, it was over. I was leaving and wanted the past to stay in the past. Oh, and of course I didn't want to see my dad get put in jail for banging up my ex's car.

But, all goodbyes put aside, things were okay. Not good, not bad, just okay. And that was perfect for me because it was progress. I was beginning to get somewhere, I was doing what I loved as well as pursuing my dreams, and while I wouldn't have ever thought I'd be having to embark on this journey alone, it was exactly where life led me.

And that too was okay with me.


I was greeted by the receptionist, Pam, as I finally entered my office building after what felt like ages of walking.

"Good morning Alyssa! I went out for a little while to grab lunch earlier and since I knew you were coming in soon, I decided to leave a cup of coffee at your desk. You're welcome." She winked at me.

I began to make your way through one of the hallways to get to my office, turning to smile in appreciation at the adorable receptionist as you went, "Ah, Pam, you're the best. Remind me to pay you back later, okay?"

"You know I'll just forget, as always, my mistake," She waved at me as I playfully rolled my eyes, "Enjoy your coffee Alyssa, and have a wonderful day."

"You too! And I'll be paying you back one way or another sometime, whether you want it or not, so don't get too cocky," I called to her over my shoulder.

"I'll be looking forward to denying whatever it is you're planning to do for me," She laughed. "Give me your best shot."

Turning around I smiled at her once more crossing my arms, "Oh trust me, I will, one way or another."


A few moments later, I opened the door to my office and gazed at the promised cup of coffee sitting there waiting for me. For the first time in a while, my heart felt lighter. Not only because of the small act of kindness, but I was slowly coming to realize that making new friends wasn't as difficult or scary as it was in my mind originally.

Pam did this for me because she knew I was coming in, she anticipated it. I was so used to feeling like a ghost in my hometown sometimes. Maybe it was only because I was new, but here had a whole other vibe. I felt acknowledged, and for someone who now felt more alone than she ever has in her life, it was just about the best feeling in the world.

Smiling, I took my seat and placed my laptop down on my desk. Once again gazing at the cup of coffee, I remembered the encounter I had had just a little over an hour ago.

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