/Chapter Three/ Come Out With Me

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"Hey, it's Eric. That's right, the sexy hunk of a man Eric Vivian Matthews. Otherwise known as the guy who saved your ass earlier this morning, but hey, I'd like to think of myself as quite the humble guy."

I chuckled as I looked down at the text I'd received a few hours prior. Even though my morning had seemed to quickly turn disastrous, I'd clearly done something right.

"'Sexy hunk of a man', huh? You really are quite humble, Eric. Thanks a million for your help again today though, I don't know what I would've done without you."

Putting my phone down, I leaned back into my couch as I scrolled through what was on Netflix. After a long day at work, this would be described as nothing short of heaven.

Of course, beforehand I was confronted with the issue of having to remove Kimmy and Josh from the account I'd managed. Hilariously enough, Josh's name had been changed to "Please Forgive Us" while Kimmy's was "We Really Miss You".

Cute I had thought as I kicked them off of my account.

Finally settling on a show I began to dig into my dinner, only to be interrupted by yet another text a few moments later.

"Yeah, me neither. Looks like chivalry isn't completely dead after all :). But anyways, have you eaten yet?"

"I'm actually in the middle of having dinner right now. Why?"

"I was going to ask if you wanted to have dinner with me tonight."

My heart began to race. He wanted me to have dinner with him? Tonight? Well, I most definitely did something right today. But could I do this? Sure, I'd really enjoyed his company this morning, but that was just casually talking over coffee.

Him asking me to dinner just seemed so intimate to say the least. Was he asking me on a date? What kind of restaurant would he take me? What would I even wear?

Putting down my phone I stared at the wall and allowed myself to ask the most important question of all: was I ready for this?

Maybe this wasn't a date at all, maybe I was just overthinking it and it was just supposed to be a friends thing. But the logical part of my brain told me otherwise, this was most likely going to be a date.


Not that a date with Eric didn't seem appealing, I knew from the way my heart raced just from his greeting it was something I'd truly desired. But that was the scariest part.

Feelings are always the scariest part because that's when things always seem to get messy. And I don't know if I could handle having to clean up yet another mess right this second aside from myself.

Rubbing my hands down my face, I grabbed my phone again.

At the same time though, I couldn't just simply say no and then leave it at that. Feelings were already a part of the equation, I'd known that from the moment I saw him kneeling down in front of me, scrubbing my coffee spill off of the floor.

At the end of the day though, no one will truly be there for you, except for yourself.

It was a statement I'd made sure to live by. Ever since two weeks ago at least.

But, I knew if you didn't at least give this a chance, I'd likely regret it for the rest of my life.

I'd only just met this man today. While feelings were a part of the equation, they simply existed. They weren't strong, I wasn't too attached to him, therefore I was safe. Because if he decided that he didn't want to see me anymore, that would be that.

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