/Chapter Thirty/ Dazed and Confused

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I allowed myself to shower Alyssa with kisses before taking her hand into mine, looking her straight in the eyes. I moved her hand down my chest, stopping just below the waistband of my jeans, stifling a groan once I felt her hand pressed up against my dick.

Then, I allowed myself to ask the question I'd been yearning to since the day we'd met in that coffee shop: "This is what you do to me, baby. Do you want it inside you?"

Her eyes widened as if she somehow didn't see this coming. The truth was, this girl drives me fucking insane and it was bound to come out sooner rather than later. Hell, everyone around me except her knew it at this point, so it was about time for her to learn.

"Eric..." It almost came out as a whimper, causing me to melt inside a bit still anxiously awaiting her response, "Yes."

Phew... based on how long it took her to answer, I felt like she was going to reject me.

A smile immediately took over my face as I pulled her closer to me, "You have no idea how long I've waited for you to say that."

She returned my bright smile just before I began to kiss her harder than I've ever kissed someone in my life. Her hands moved up and down my abdomen while mine went to her lower back and hair, smoothing down each as I continued to devour her.

I pulled away, just long enough to express how I felt in this seemingly too good to be true moment, "I feel like I've been waiting my whole life for you, Lyss."

"What?" She almost shouted at me, as if she wasn't able to hear what I had just said meanwhile I was just inches from her face.

I cocked my head to the side at her and cupped her face in my hands, "I said, I feel like I've been waiting my whole life for you, Lyss."

She simply just laughed in my face, literally. A noise that would've normally brought me happiness- or even arousal in any other circumstance, but in this very moment, it just pissed me off.

"What?" I'd snapped, showing her some of the annoyance she'd caused.

My heart hurt as if she'd just thrown it down and stomped on it through her laughter. Was my confession not good enough for her? Did she simply not care that I felt this way? And lastly, why did her reaction hurt so much?

"Eric!" I heard her call again, so I shook my head to bring myself back to the present.

"Yes?! What the hell are you yelling about when I'm right..." My voice faltered when I realized that she was no longer in my arms. In fact, she was gone, "...here."

"Alyssa?!" I called out, scanning the empty kitchen once more for any signs of her before hearing a tapping noise coming from the hallway leading to our hotel room.

Assuming the noise was steps,  I shook my head slowly and headed in that direction after Alyssa. Grasping the doorknob, I prepared to open the door to chastise her, just as the tapping got louder.

Yet again I heard Alyssa call out to me, only this time her voice was laced with fear, "Eric, help!"

My heart started to race as I attempted to open the door, only to realize it was locked. I called out to her a few more times, jiggling the doorknob, needing to get to her only to feel a hand come down on my shoulder. My heart dropped into my stomach as I whipped around to see who it was only for everything to suddenly go black.


I gasped as I shot up out of bed, unable to catch my breath. I only noticed Alyssa next to me moments after, who just looked at me as if I had two heads.

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