/Chapter Fifteen/ Shitshow

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I pulled my waffle out of the toaster just as Ezra entered the kitchen.

"Oh. Shit." I spoke softly out of shock as I took in his face.

Well, Fitz definitely wasn't exaggerating when he said Racc looked a whole lot worse than he did. His left eye was partially red and bruised, while his nose was pretty much covered with bandages.

"Good morning to you too." Ezra rolled his eyes at me as he went to go make coffee.

"I'm sorry, man. It's just Cam said you looked bad, I just didn't think you'd look this bad." He shot me a glare as I just smiled sheepishly at him in response.

"I didn't know how else to put it," I replied as I looked down at the counter continuing to eat.

"I just can't believe this happened." Ezra sighed, "I mean, we were all beyond fucked, but Cam's never gotten violent in any sort of way. On top of that, whenever someone brings someone else here, it's normally fair game. Either he really wanted to fuck her or has a little something-something going on with her that we don't know about."

"I have a feeling we'll find out sooner than later. Have you talked to him since last night?"

"No. I just got up. When I do see him though, he better have some kind of amazing apology that's gonna blow me away because 'this?'" He went, pointing to his face, "Is beyond fucked."

"Didn't you 'fight' him though? I don't mean to be an asshole, but were you completely the victim here?" I questioned, feeling pretty bad about asking, but I couldn't just not.

"I can't say I'm the complete victim here," He confesses, "We're both at fault to a certain extent- we were both fueled by drugs and alcohol to kick the living shit out of each other, but at the same time I got it way worse than he did. I feel like he was actually trying to kill me."

"Well, I doubt that he was actually trying to kill you, but as you said, you both were fucked at the time so he likely hardly had any self-restraint."

Just as I'd finished my sentence, Fitz and Blake waltzed into the kitchen, both sporting very obvious bed-heads.

"Hey, Ezra!" Blake exclaimed, clearly not expecting to run into him again for whatever reason, "How's your face?"

Can you be any more awkward?

"It's been better." Racc clipped, clearly annoyed with her remark.

"Look, man, I just wanted to apologize for last night," Fitz began as Racc just stared at him expectantly, "I was so incredibly fucked and so were you. I've never really gotten violent before, you know that, and I honestly don't know what the hell came over me. Is there any way I could make it up to you?"

Ezra sighed, "I'm all for having fun with the girls we bring home, but your reaction to me flirting with her was just so..." He paused as he tried to figure out how to word his sentence, "...Shockingly aggressive. Is there any way you can prevent that from happening next time around?"

"I promise you, it won't ever happen again. I'm so sorry, Ezra. I never meant to get violent with you."

"Hey. We're both partially at fault here. It wasn't entirely on you. I don't mean to sound like a mom, but just drink responsibly next time. Alright?"

Cam offered him a smile, "I will. Have you been to the doctor or anything yet?"

"Not yet. I just went to sleep after the whole thing went down." He put his hand over his nose and winced, "But I probably should. I think you might've broken my nose. I really don't want to go to PAX looking this fucked."

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