/Chapter Twenty-One/ Who Do You Think You Are?

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I sat down on a chair to the side, exasperated as I watched the rest of the guys continue to greet some more fans.

I fully intended to join back with them as soon as I could, I just needed a sip of water first. After grabbing a bottle of water from one of the employees and thanking them, I lifted my helmet ever so slightly to take a swig, just as I felt a tap on my shoulder and immediately slammed my helmet down onto the rest of my face.

Turning around, I took in the figure before me: He was a brunet who looked maybe just a couple of years younger than me and was probably about six-foot, so he towered over me as I sat here. To make matters worse: this dude was most definitely a tourist.

I stood up, still a good amount shorter than him, but I addressed him as if he were under me regardless: "Hey buddy, the rest of the guys are right over there. I was kind of on break if you couldn't already tell."

"Oh, my bad!" He put his hands up in fake surrender, fuck, this dude is really rubbing me the wrong way for some reason, "I was just wondering if I could get a quick picture if you wouldn't mind?"

"Sure," I said, still pissed off but I obviously didn't want to dampen my image just because of one bad seed. I stood next to him, pointing at him as he took the selfie, thanking me as I just gave him a nod.

"Also, I saw you talking to some girl earlier along with McCreamy and his girl. Are you guys like... a thing?" He questioned me, only pushing me further.

"As you know from watching my YouTube channel and this." I clipped, pointing to my helmet, "I'm not exactly a fan of sharing my personal life with the world. But to answer your question, no, we're not."

"Once again, sorry man. I was just wondering." He started walking away from me as I just sighed. Noticing Cam come up behind me, I just began to jerk my thumb towards whoever that just was, "The balls on that guy, am I right?"

---Alyssa's POV---

"I can't believe we're going to one of the most popular clubs in Melbourne tonight!"

I said cheerfully as Anna brought in a plethora of different outfits for the two of us to try on, "Me neither, we all went gambling in Vegas about just a month ago for another event like this. I'm not surprised though, I just wish the boys would be a little better in managing their money."

"Yeah, well that's Ryan's job. And I don't know about you, but I don't think I've ever had a manager as cool as him." I responded as she continued to lay the outfits onto her hotel room bed before holding one up to me.

"I second that." She laughed, "Now, go try this one on. I think it'll look perfect on you."

It was a romper with green leaves printed all over it along with a half-open skirt that would drape over my backside entirely.

"Holy shit, this is gorgeous. Are you sure you don't want to wear it tonight? I'm sure Jay would love to see it on you."

She just smiled at me, "I'm sure he would too, but I bought it a few months ago and took the tags off of it before I was certain it fit. If it fits you, it's yours."

"Thank you so much!" I raced into the bathroom along with the gorgeous piece of fabric, wanting to squeeze myself into it as soon as I possibly could.

After spending a few moments of getting the romper on, I glanced at the finished product in the mirror,

Damn, I look hot.

Smiling out of satisfaction, I made my way out to see Anna and get her take on it, I jokingly posed and opened the door, "How do I look?"

Anna, who was now talking to another girl, turned around along with her and looked at me as I just composed myself out of embarrassment, "Oh. My. God." The girl beside her went as Ana just smiled, "You look exactly like I'd said you would: perfect."

I smiled more confidently as the other girl all but bounced over to my side, "Hi, I'm Brodie! You must be Alyssa, it's so nice to finally meet you!"

She smiled at me as she basically ran circles around me, "You're so much more beautiful than I thought! I really don't understand how some of these guys got their girls," She looked at the both of us, "Especially Eric and Jay. You two are definitely way out of their league.

We just laughed as I felt my chest warm up, I like this girl so far.

"Thanks as always, Brodie." Went Anna before turning back to me, "Did you ever end up texting Eric about tonight's plans? They should be wrapping things up down there by now."

"Oh shit! I forgot. I'll be right back." I exclaimed as I made my way into the bathroom where I'd left my phone. I sent Eric a quick update before making my way back to the main room where now yet another girl stood. Except this time the room had a different vibe from when it was just Brodie and Anna here. This girl spoke in much lower tones than the other two were when I reentered the room before this.

After a few moments though, she suddenly noticed me as she looked up from the conversation with her green eyes trained on me, "Hi there!"

I waved at her in response, walking over to introduce myself. She began to do the same and held out her hand for me to shake it, "My name's Bianca but I'm known as Bee around here."

I felt myself freeze, Fuck! I knew I forgot to ask Eric about something that night.

I sobered up before releasing her hand and introducing myself, "I'm Alyssa. It's so nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you."

She just smiled at me, "I assumed you would. Nice romper by the way. You look hot, I'm sure Eric will love it."

She seems nice enough... maybe I should just ask her about him myself?

"Thank you. About Eric actually..." I trailed off as I tried to figure out where to go with the conversation next.

She just laughed in response to this, "Who have you heard about me from, Mason I'm assuming?"

I just nodded, "I don't want any trouble. I don't know what you and Eric have or had, I just wanted to know what exactly's going on here if you wouldn't mind sharing. All in all, I'm just super confused."

She just laughed and waved me off, "Oh girl, you're too formal! We just had a bit of a fling is all, before you came along and Eric told me that he wanted to end things to start getting into an actual relationship with you."

"Oh... Is that alright with you? I'm sorry about that, I didn't hear about you until very recently and he hasn't even mentioned you himself."

She frowned in response to this, "He hasn't even mentioned me? How weird." She returned to smiling moments later as she continued to address me, "But yeah, to answer your question, I don't mind what you guys are doing in the slightest as long as it makes Eric happy. He's my best friend and I want nothing but the best for him."

I let out a sigh of relief, "Alright. Good to know. I'm so glad we got that out of the way. I can't wait to get to know you better, Bee. Especially if you're practically family too, Eric. Well, sorta."

We all laughed, "Yeah, me neither Alyssa. I have a feeling you and I will get along just fine."

"Alright fuckers, who's ready to get FUCKED tonight!" Eric shouted from the doorway along with the rest of the guys dressed in button-up shirts, looking like they were all ready to head out.

We all said 'me!' in unison just as Eric's eyes scanned the room for me. After a few more moments of searching, he entered the room and immediately hauled me into his arms and hovered over me on Anna and Jay's bed, "Hi baby. You have no idea how much I've wanted to do this the entire day." He kissed my cheek as I just giggled in response.

"Get a room you two!" Bee called from the other end of the room as everyone began to laugh and Eric lifted me off of the bed in response.

"Limo's here. Let's head out." Cam jerked his thumb towards the door as we all exited the room ready to see just what the night had in store for us.

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