/Chapter Six/ I Like You Too

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What did she just ask me?

Realizing that I was just staring at her blankly while she was looking at me as if she was expecting an answer, I recomposed myself and answered: "I'd love to."

My hesitation probably didn't make her feel all that great, but a smile slowly formed on her face, "Sounds good. Let's go."

Turning off the engine, her and I exited my car while she walked up the patio with me trailing behind, unlocking the door for us.

"Well, this is it, home sweet home. Sorry for the clutter and boxes. Moving is a complete pain in the ass and I still have so much left to do.

Looking around the place, it wasn't too bad. In fact, it was rather cozy-looking despite the large boxes scattered around the smaller house.

"Don't worry about it, boxes or not, your place looks really nice. It gives off a really "cozy" vibe. That's how you know it's truly home."

She turned around at me and smiled, "I'll give you a tour soon enough. But I was about to head into the kitchen and make some tea. Would you like anything?"

"Coffee would be much appreciated."

"Sounds like a plan. Don't steal my shit while I'm gone, and please don't break anything." She joked as she dipped into the kitchen.

Raising my voice so she could hear me, I called back, "I'll try my best. It'll be really difficult considering I don't know where or what half your stuff is. Maybe I'll start opening some of those boxes. It'll be like Christmas all over again."

"Fuck you!" She laughed.

Smiling, I decided to take a seat on the couch as I continued to admire my surroundings. Even if her house wasn't entirely decorated yet, she still knew how to make a house a home. This place was beautiful, and simply just made anyone who entered feel at ease.

Kinda like her.

"Alright. Coffee's ready!" She called from the kitchen, walking out with a steaming mug of coffee.

I leaned up from the couch to take it from her, placing it on the coffee table in front of me, "Thank you. For not only just the coffee but for not spilling it."

She laughed, "Eric, I really hate you sometimes." Before returning to the kitchen only to re-emerge seconds later with her tea.

As she took a seat next to me, I look at the TV in front of me, "So, what's the plan here, Netflix and chill?"

"I can't say I'd be opposed to that." She responds as she picks up the remote and selects Netflix.

Taking a sip of my coffee, I turn to her, "You pick the movie, but there's something you need to keep in mind."

She looks at me, curiosity clear in her eyes.

"I'm not going to watch the fucking Notebook with you. Ever."


Alyssa's POV

"That wasn't the plan regardless, Eric. You have nothing to worry about." I respond and select something else, laughing all the while.

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